/e/ - my data is MY data

Can the slogan …

/e/ - my data is MY data

… be used by everyone in public everywhere and be written literally?

Or is it protected and requires a request to the e.foundation?

my personal meaning is, not to use /e/ for publishing. It’s a worst name which no one will find in web with any search engine. And it should be changed in future.

Yes, it is known that /e/ is not search engine friendly.

However, my search engine puts the search term “/e/ - my data is MY data” in the first place.

But unfortunately that does not answer my question. I’m concerned about respect for intellectual
property - C©pyright.

Hi @archie what are you planning to do with the slogan? Where do you plan to use it and for what.

I would like to quote it in WWW posts related to Google-free custom ROM for Android smartphones such as Wikipedia /e/ (operating system) References #10.

You can go ahead and share /e/ details.

So far I couldn’t read anywhere from a protected brand, trademark or copyright - neither for the symbol /e/ nor for the slogan “my data is MY data”.

From this it can be concluded that neither the one nor the other is legally protected in any form and it can be used the other words also. Nevertheless, I asked if there were any reservations.

I am particularly concerned with the subject of data sovereignty on the Internet - the greatest possible control and domination over one’s own data.

And in connection with smartphones it is also a big topic - at least for us in Germany.

The /e/ logo is protected and ‘my data is my data’ is also in the process of being protected. With the new brand name expected to come in the near future we will have the details added to our website so that users can refer to it.

Well, that’s a straight message.

I have no problem at all with respecting that. My question should serve nothing other than to clarify matters.

A hint by unregistered trade mark symbol ™ and/or registered trade mark symbol ® would eliminate all ambiguities.

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