/e/OS and 3rd party VPN provider

Hi there team,

For a matter of facts, I’ve been using the VPN services offered through a Kaspersky subscription. These services have been working to great satisfaction on former /e/OS releases although with the current version of /e/OS, I cannot enable/toggle the VPN service anymore.

  • /e/OS v 2.7xxxxx957-official
  • Kaspersky v11.119.4.13153

I suspect a lack of permission of the Kasperksy app although I’ve tried many different things and gave the app all the permissions possible (which I’ve found – the walk through is pretty convoluted IMPOV)…

I did as well test with the Kasperky VPN Secure Connection client uniquely (VPN client only) and that fails as well (if someone would be kind enough to quickly be willing to test to confirm, no license needed, the free version will be activated with limitations etc.)

I did not had any issues in the past, something I’ve noticed as well is that this specific VPN possibility never show’s up in the VPN listing within the networking configuration, which was the case previously…

Thanks for any help/confirmation.



  • tested on my former FP4 with the same /e/OS and there, the Kaspersky VPN option show’s up within Settings / Network & Internet / VPN and works all fine – not very understandable TBH.
  • the only option I’m not able to allow to Kaspersky on my new device is the Accessibility one (see below).

Any update would be appreciated, is there anything I could do to get that VPN possibility within the allowed VPNs ?
