I’m not Brazilian but I will spend a year in Brazil starting end of August and I want to interact with Brazilians on questions such as privacy and safety with operating systems (among other topics). Maybe we could arrange an install party somewhere?
I liked the idea, when you arrive in Brazil we can discuss this, I am about to create an official /e/OS group on telegram for Brazilians, but I ask you to speak in Portuguese or use the translator to interact, if you are interested in the telegram group. let me know, but I’m waiting to complete 10 people at least to create the group
Boa tarde,
Alguém já usou e-notariado num telefone com e/os? O app instala OK, mas tenho ele cadastrado num outro telefone (iOS) e gostaria de saber se funciona bem em e/os antes de largar iOS e fazer o pulo definitivo para e/os.