Ok, now that the installer is released officially I’ve got a few questions.
I’ve followed https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/tools/easy-installer/-/wikis/Build-with-Gradle and indeed I got the three packages for linux, windows and mac.
What actually needs to be done here?
If I unpack the windows installer, I can execute the .bat file from the bin folder and it seems to be working (I have an FP3 and that’s not yet supported, so I can’t check if the full installation would work).
And how to contribute technically?
For example, I can’t fork the repo. “You have reached your project limit” is the tooltip when I want to select my own namespace.
Also, I don’t see the “issues” menu entry, so it’s not possible to create new issues.
Edit: ah, noticed one more thing.
The repo has https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/tools/flash-scripts/-/tree/folder_per_platform as a submodule. And that has one branch with scripts per platform but only a subset of script while master has more scripts but no windows version.