e/OS F-Droid Repository

what do you think about creating a F-Droid repository for e/OS system apps like Advanced Privacy, Browser, WebView etc.?
This is the best way to keep your system up to date and secure if your device is no longer supported by /e or you run an unofficial build of /e. DivestOS and IodeOS are doing it the same way.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


I was quite literally just looking to see if such a thing existed.

Yes, please. This would be amazing.

@GaelDuval has already said something about this in the 2023 roadmap :


I’m also interested when Advanced privacy would be available as an app. This could prove a good publicity for Murena.


Hi team, any feedback on this great idea?
I dream of having my browser and webview regularly updated via app lounge!

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Shipping the privileged extension by default would also be amazing.

Best would be the ability to add F-Droid repos to App Lounge directly. Throw in Obtanium support, and dang…

that idea made it to the backlog in two forms (for the repo itself, for the Store client integration):

Creating and hosting the index could also come from outside of /e/OS. As @Saijin_Naib said, AppLounge support for custom f-droid indexes would be great to bootstrap, but I guess one can stomach installing the F-Droid client.

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