e/OS own ebookreader?

I have a wish for the e/-OS that like other default preinstalled apps. That the OS has a ebookreader.
I tried many different from the App store but didn’t find a stable one yet. Or some which not relate to Google tramslate FX. I did use to much time trying to find and make a simple ebookreader work probably which does make kt difficult to read books and to learn about IT. Which I might could share in the community.

Please advise me if you know a good e-book-reader. Or help develop one for the e/ OS

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You may try KOReader from F-Droid store. Supports formats like PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2, CBZ.


I like Librera myself, as another FOSS reader.


A also found Librera very good.

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I tried it but it was not stable and I couldn’t activate the loudreader function. Plus comercials like it was from G-store tried to trick me into ClickJacking🫥

I couldn’t get used to it ( I do not want to occur as a spoiled child in a free candystore. In this case Free apps). As I was using Apples Ibook before and Pocketbook as Android. I tried a lot of different ones from Fdroid, The e/-App.Store -and Auora. But even as the are under developing or do not get updated. “They do not go hand in hand” with the e/-OS I guess. And often become unstable. Thats why I wish for a preinstalled: e/-Book reader where you can continue reading your ebooks after a facroryrestore and install of your back up.

Have you tried FBreader? I am using this app because it is just excellent and loves the feature.

If users want to be able to run /e/os in old devices, you can’t offer a ROM with too many apps preinstalled otherwise it will become too “heavy”.

One user wants an ebook reader; another user will want a qr-code reader;… It’s just not sustainable. That’s my opinion.