E/os/ v2.2 impossible to download

Hello !!

I have a Giga GS290 with e/os/ 2.1 and I would like to install the newest version 2.2.
But from the updater the download of e/os/ 2.2 is really slow and almost impossible, I have to resume the download every minutes.
I have tested thru several Wifi networks in Luxemburg and Germany with the same result, do you have the same behavior? is there something weird with the e/os/ server?


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Hi @TheRedHornet, welcome to this forum.

You can directly download lastest dev build or latest stable build, then reboot to recovery and apply the update

Hello @piero

Ok thank you for the urls, I confirm that the upgrader download doens’t work very well :frowning:

Br, Fred

Might the reason coincide with display turning off?

While you would think that the download would be a priority or would happen in the background, many find that they have to set Display not to turn off during download or alternatively set up Caffeine Tile | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository.

No, my display is always on when plugged, and I have the same issue. Using the direct link ota.ecloud.global works perfect!

Same problem in my last post … But with a false good control at the end.