Hi, this devices are discontinued in Lineage OS which is the /e/ pillar.
Will they be fully supported by /e/? How? Until? Because, IMHO, if I have to buy I need to know /e/ EOS for this devices (at least).
Thank you
Hi, this devices are discontinued in Lineage OS which is the /e/ pillar.
Will they be fully supported by /e/? How? Until? Because, IMHO, if I have to buy I need to know /e/ EOS for this devices (at least).
Thank you
This question of /e/ continuing support even though Lineage has stopped has been answered previously as well.
/e/ is not dependent on Lineage support to continue with devices on its own list. Lineage depends on device maintainers who build and maintain ( fix errors) on devices. Once those maintainers move on, support is dropped by Lineage.
At /e/ builds are made using our build infrastructure. We do have a couple of device maintainers but their leaving does not stop the builds or support. Also defect fixes are done by a team of developers not the maintainers.
Security patches are also not dependent on Lineage. If a device is dropped by Lineage we will still download the patches and updated it for our builds. Every month around about the mid of the month the patches are applied. If for specific devices the patches are not applied or old pl let us know and we will have the build team apply them ( if they are available for download).
The problem seems to be not in the support itself, but in the perspective of upgrading this devices to the newer android versions. Android 10 is a good step forward in terms of privacy, but so far it is hard to hope even for Android 9 - based eOS for S9 family.
I’m sorry, i searched it but did’nt find
There are information that can cause confusion in the reader (about warranty):
I also asked, before buying, until you are guaranteed /e/ updates and upgrades: not found anywhere
Thank you!
I admit we have been a bit slow in updating the OS for a number of devices. Primarily the reason has been we do not have many resources to work on this upgrade. Rest assured we are in the process of upgrading devices to Oreo or Pie as the case may be . We also have devices requested by users for support to be considered.
Q is still in beta and not even LineageOs has any official builds for it so that is not in the priority list right now.
I know because I have personally typed out the same response a number of times about /e/ support continuing even after LineageOs drops the device. Have now added it to the FAQ on wiki
There are information that can cause confusion in the reader (about warranty):
1 year: https://e.foundation/e-pre-installed-refurbished-smartphones/
2 years: https://e.foundation/terms-and-conditions/
I also asked because before buying i’s nice to know until you are guaranteed /e/ updates and upgrades: not found anywhere
Thank you very much
Updates ( code and patches ) and upgrades ( assuming this means OS) are by default applicable to all devices. Irrespective of the condition if they are purchased from us or not. Not sure why you are assuming a device on our supported list will not be updated or if possible upgraded to the next Os level.
Because if you buy a smartphone, you know from (some) manifacturer how long it will have support.
Is the /e/ refurbished smartphone warranty 1 or 2 years?
Thank you
@alexis please can you provide the answer here.
We provide one year hardware warranty for the phones as mentioned on the website.
The web page is wrong, need a correction: https://e.foundation/terms-and-conditions/
" Guarantees – Smartphones
Legal guarantees
As a consumer, You benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity on Purchases under the conditions of Articles L. 217-4 et seq. of the French Consumer Code and the guarantee of hidden defects under the conditions provided for in Articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code. These legal guarantees can be exercised with Us by email or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt. However, these legal warranties do not apply if the Purchases comply with the specifications of the Contract but prove to be unsuitable for Your needs due to a poor assessment on Your part when making the Purchases.*
When You act as a legal guarantee of conformity:
– You have a period of 2 years from the delivery of the property to act,
– You can choose between repairing or replacing the good, subject to the cost conditions provided for in Article L. 217-9 of the Consumer Code,
Thank you for the clarifications. It’s good to hear that phones will be supported and and flashed with e even if there is no Lineage ROM. Not sure about older phones, like there is e.g. android 10 beta already available for the nexus5. So wondering if there might ever be an android 10 based e ROM for the nexus5?
Hi there,
Thanks for checking our Terms and Conditions ! We spend a large amount of time making sure everything is done the way it should, and it is not a small endeavour.
I’ll try not to use legal jargon to confuse people.
The product hardware warranty is set at one year as advertised on the product page, this is quite good for pre-owned products that normally are set at 6 months.
By French law, as the products are shipping from France, we need to protect the consumers around lack of conformity which is described in the paragraph about legal guarantees.
What is a lack of conformity?
If we would ship goods that do not correspond to the description we have shared on the product page (example: wrong dimensions, wrong number of SIM, wrong RAM, etc…).
If we would ship goods that are not fit for the specific purpose required by the consumer. Here: the smartphone is expected to run apps that deliver services like browsing the web, making calls, etc… as we advertise on pour product and project pages.
If we would ship goods that are not fit for the usual purpose of goods of the same type. Here: the smartphone is expected to work like other smartphones.
I hope this helps clarify this section in the Terms and Conditions
Be careful buying refurbished phones from e. I bought one and had serious problems. Also tech support were very slow to respond. Try getting a Librem5.
Sometimes one has to call a spade a spade. Why don’t you name the problems that have occurred refurbished phone from /e/ ?
After years of development, the Purism Librem 5 has become an entry-level hardware for high-end money. U$D 699.00 is no trifling matter. The Librem 5 will appeal to enthusiasts at best. Amazing that Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge, S9, S9+ users should be content with it.
Hi @Nath, to the best of my knowledge your phone was stolen. To have a phone issue resolved or exchanged we need the phone to be available. Without an actual device being present there was not much that can be done from our side.
I don’t know if this is the right place to post but it will be very important I think that the phone sold by e (galaxy S7 and S9) has some priority for update. It will be very good if the S7 (the one I bought) for exemple come quite fast with upgrade on android 8 and then 9 which brings some improvement
Yes @kaiox, I agree. The phones we are directly buying should have some kind of priority since they are the simplest and fastest way to acquire an smartphone with /e/.
Yes, probably there will be the most users too. Btw where is the list with the phones which won’t be officially supported anymore?
I read that the list will be narrowed.