E-sim working with Fairphone 4?

High !
Having problems to recieve phone calls on my Fairphone 4, isp Free in France,
I’m thinking of ordering a new sim card.
But, nano sim or e-sim ?
Do e-sim cards work all right with Fairphone 4 and Free ?

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In case of a lack of quick answers, the search might have something … https://community.e.foundation/search?q=fp4%20esim

Thank you very much !
I searched with “Fairphone4 esim”’ with very little success.

I am using an eSIM as a second SIM for my Fairphone 4 running /e/OS and it works.

It is my secondary SIM, so I don’t use it very often and is not that thoroughly tested. In particular, I very rarely use the data connection.
Nevertheless, the SIM is active, connects to the network and I receive SMS and calls on it.

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It works with SFR :ok_hand: i had that last year.

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I just can state that my eSIM from SimplyTEL (O²) works fine for data and calls.

I just can say that my Very Mobile eSIM (Italy) works on my FP4.
Maybe also this link from Fairphone community could be helpful: https://forum.fairphone.com/t/list-of-compatible-and-incompatible-esim-operators-networks-for-fp4/83338

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