Easiest way of getting E/OS on a FF5 as a beginner?

So, I’m considering getting a Fairphone 5 and running E/OS both to go ‘green’ and ‘de-google’. In another topic I had many of my questions answered concerning the usage of this OS. The final hurdle before I commit to the purchase is the actual way of getting it (on there).

There are two options:

  1. Buy it pre-installed from Murena. While the extra cost is certainly warranted to get it ready-to-go, the repairs are problematic for me as they a) the phone has to be shipped back to France, for a possible weeks-long turnaround and b) they don’t support user-replacement of parts under warranty (you pay for the parts yourself, thereby making warranty a bit moot)

  2. Buy the device straight from Fairphone and getting E/OS on there myself. The main downside here is the tinkering that I’m not looking forward to, but am actively investigating through this topic.

When I look at the installation manual:


it gives me two options, ‘advanced’ or ‘build’. Out of the two, it implies ‘build’ is easiest but that seems to be completely not the case as it describes getting a Linux PC, installing docker, building stuff… not what I’m looking for.

Advanced seems to be the way to go… but there are a lot of steps where stuff might go wrong.

I also read about an ‘easy installer’ for which FP5 support was pulled recently because of issues?

Not sure what the best/most reliable but above all easiest procedure here is. Any tips?

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I would recommend to wait for the easy installer support for the FP5

Myself I did follow the steps to install manually and it worked. However its good to have a least some Linux experience

It is possible (I did it myself about a month ago) but you have to be careful about not hard bricking your phone, which can happen if the android security update is more recent than the eOS edition you are installing.

Have a big read though the install guide (link below) before embarking on anything. I followed the steps meticulously, and was ok. Took about 6 hours though!


So it’s still a bit of a gamble then? I won’t know the version of the device until I order one and have it in my hands - what if the version situation renders me unable to perform the install? Ship it back?

What IF you end up bricking it? Is that something covered under warranty or at least serviceable by FP?

your cautionary approach makes me think it’d be good to get a used and cheap Android and trial the experience on a secondary device for some time.

This manages expectations pretty well before you buy into it with a new, more expensive device.

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I’ve dabbled in Linux in the past and replaced the batteries on my ‘non-servicable’ devices like ipads, kindles and dashcams. I’m no stranger to tinkering… but it has often served me well to not assume I know how things go and instead ask for unbiased advice. Hence my seemingly overly cautious way of going about this, I just want to make sure I don’t skip steps or miss any important tips/knowledge. Due diligence :slight_smile: it’s easier to ask now than to report here in frustration after I fucked something up.

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If the version of android is very recent, you could wait for the latest release of e/OS/ and then install that - looks like 2.0 is coming fairly soon. (This is my interpretation of the ‘hard bricking’ problem, but please do only go ahead if you’re sure. It certainly felt like a gamble when I did it).

If you did end up bricking it, I think fairphone themselves can recover it - but for a fee, and you have to ship the phone to them.

I had these questions, too, three years ago. And this was one of the main reasons to order a preinstalled Fairphone then. I thought the risk of doing OTA updates would be much smaller than installing it myself.

But very soon /e/ came to a point where a change of the Android below was needed, think from 10 to 11 (?). And at this time this couldn’t be done OTA, a manual update was the only way. So I did it using the easy-installer on a Linux machine. To be honest: It’s not soooo easy when you have never done it, even when you strictly do step by step as described. And when I did it the second time some weeks ago I struggled again somewhere in the middle and needed to start the installation again. But in both cases I managed it successfully.

Because of Android updates are now also be done OTA (at last on Fairphones) the need of the easy-installer is now much smaller. I guess, many people will never use it.

they’re all fair questions, good on you anyway and others to read them later. Just my impression is: when users switch without overlap there’s potential for remorse while much less so if a user goes through a trial period with easy fallback.

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If you do that, and need at some time to invoke the warranty, you would have to revert back to FPOS I think, before sending the phone back to Fairphone (or they would re-install it in the workshop).

I got a FP5 but it came with Android 13 last week.

I got through all the steps of the manual e/os install (lots of things apparently installed) until the end, when some errror about a slot being unavailable showd up. WIth nothing else to do, I rebooted into the bootloader, but now the 3 options all return to the same bootloader screen: the recovery option returns to same. ADB now does not recognize the device, and there is no os to boot. I tried removing the battery, but still the same result (bootloader shows it is in fastboot, but adb cannot find it, so I imaging the USB device is not in a a sideload friendly mode).

If anyone knows how to fix this I would be grateful, and wil follow the advice to wait for the easy installer :frowning:

try :

fastboot set_active other

Edit :
then reboot

That helped! Now at least I can see the recovery options.
But what option should I choose to either (1) get back the Android 13 that was originally installed or (2) try to boot the e/\os ?
The options I see are:

  1. Reboot system now
  2. Apply update
  3. Factory reset
  4. Advanced

At this point I just want either one to work,

This is a guess as you have not really described where you were in the process.

I guess working from https://doc.e.foundation/devices/FP5/install you had just done

Confirm that extracted directory contains following content:

and were happy all was ok … YES?

and then you had done

  chmod +x flash_FP5_factory.sh && ./flash_FP5_factory.sh

You had set the script going … it ran quite a long way through and then failed to flash one particular “bit” … you describe it as

The script failing one step is not so uncommon, and the fix is to start again and just run the script from the top. Does that sound plausible from what you observed, or not?

If yes, in your place I would check that I could retrace the steps immediately above the lines I quote; get the phone into fastboot and run

fastboot devices

to ensure it is still talking to you. The correct response would look a bit like

123xxx456 <device>

Then run the script again


This time please save a copy of the trace.

Thank you for all your help. The first time I ran the flash script it failed right at the end with the error about the slot.

Your suggestion ‘fastboot set_active_other’ got me into the recovery mode.
I noodled around with setting into ADB mode and factory reset and a few other things , unfortunately without documenting exactly what I did, and eventually a reboot booted
into e/Os without rerunning the flash script.

So… not going to noodle around anymore! Ha :slight_smile:

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