Enjoying using my Samsung S9 with /e/

Hi all - I’ve had my Samsung S9 about a month now and on the whole I’m really enjoying using it. Of course, there are still some apps I don’t have - banking apps would be useful but ‘all in due course’ I guess.
Moving from iPhone, one app I miss is ‘Things’. Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent ‘tasks’ app - one that includes projects or sub-tasks? And if possible one that links to either online or a Mac app?

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Check something like alternativeto.net. There are 253 alternatives to Things on that site. All I saw had bad privacy ratings though.

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Thanks - I will have a look. I’ve been experimenting with Workflowy - pretty good.

hey mate how are you getting on with the camera and what app do you use for slowmotion video?

Hey @Rhod ,
I received my S9 yesterday. I find the battery charge is very slow. Have you noticed that?

Slow loading is of course a very elastic term. From when is a charging process fast and from when is it slow?

Hi - I bought a ‘fast charger’ from Amazon - charges from almost empty to full in just over an hour which I think is pretty impressive, so no problems with charging.

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I don’t use the camera for slow motion work so I’m sorry I have no idea. I find it adequate for general ‘snaps’ though sometimes it struggles to get the exposure correct (so I switch to manual), but I believe they are working on a camera upgrade for 1.0.

Slow loading is of course a very elastic term. From when is a charging process fast and from when is it slow?

4-5h from 20% to 100% but I bought a “fast” charger, I will test with it.

I also asked because, as you know, there are several ways to recharge the phone.

When charging via USB 2.0 via PC/notebook, the charging process is much longer than with the usually included charger with 5V 2A or 9V 1.67A (is the same charger as for the S8/S8+).

Samsung says " * The charging speed depends on the phone model and the charger used. Only use chargers that are compatible with your model."

I love my S9 with e os but I am having issues with the camera. When taking videos the autofocus keeps adjusting so the video changes from blurred to sharp constantly while recording.
Also the orientation of the photos and videos I take are always wrong, so I need to rotate all images and videos 90 degrees. Anyone having similar issues?