eSIM on FP4 only downloadable with Google spyware?

Hi, I’m an /e/OS user since about 2019 (and since 2022 on my main phone). I’ve always tried to minimize my data leaks to Google, even before I knew about /e/OS (with XPrivacy on stock ROMs and LineageOS etc).
Now I’m about to be moving to a new device, a FP4. However, I’ve seen that its second SIM slot is eSIM only, and I also notice that the SIM Manager app is from Google. However, there is an OpenEUICC implementation for /e/OS available as well, as can be seen here:

So why is there a Google app installed in my /e/OS stable version on the FP4, and how can I get rid of it and not have IMEI/IMSI and phone number be registered on Google’s servers, but use openEUICC instead? Why is this even in there, I can’t understand the reason for that violation of privacy on a privacy focussed OS…