EU chat surveillance

The European Union is about to introduce total chat control for email, messenger and cloud services under a pretext (see for details).

This will then also affect the Murena Cloud. Are there already plans on how to deal with this in the EU area in the near future?

Do I really have to get rid of my smartphone and cloud services completely if I don’t agree with this total surveillance?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Hard times ahead ?

This would be very hard times! I’d never thought that we’ll come to this point in “free” Europe… :frowning:

I seriously hope this won’t go through. Or if so, that it will be stopped by the European Court of Justice, which has saved Europe from multiple similar attacks on the rule of law in the past.

To me, it’s quite conceivable that these repeated initiatives on the whole continent every few years are based on some kind of pressure from five eyes partner states. And someone like that German minister of interior, who has repeatedly proven in interviews that she has no clue about the subject, would of course make for an easy target.

But maybe they are all stupid enough to do this on their own, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I can read later thanks for the infos.
In my current feeling about regulation I want to believe in the Union to do what the ICANN (or idk what organisations that manages domains) is not interested in. Browsing the web has become awful experience… Smartphone monopoly is freaky.
They can start with Instagram if that’s the only breach, and I speak in the conditional but if a rationnal world emerges it will consumes less phones, I see less pollution. or not.
No regulation maybe is good for industries to create a good boom but it will be 35 degrees this summer !

This sounds scary :scream: How to survive if this will work? Dumb phones are creepy the same as iPhones. For android phone there is at least the possibility to reinstall the system for more reasonable one :thinking:

Very good question. I am planning to visit UK and I feel not secure for this country to replace stock rom with /e/ os. I would love to replace the system, but at the same time I am worried if it will be working England :thinking:

/e/OS works fine in the UK. All the chat in this thread is about what may happen in the future - none of it has happened yet, and who know what will happen in the future.


Bad news overall - it seems that the European Council will try to vote on Chat Control and get it through this Wednesday, June 19 (2024).

Patrick Breyer from the Pirates Party has more information:

He urges you to contact your government and/or its permanent representation to the EU.

Please do so! I have written a short e-mail to my country’s permanet representation.

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If this is actually decided tomorrow, it will be the end of my smartphone career! I’ll go back to the 90s and a Nokia 3210, just for making calls.

It’s sad that the EU is seriously planning to become a totalitarian surveillance state.

I never thought that freedom and privacy would be so bad here!

Privacy is regulation and competition. Otherwise it is advertising toward political agendas.

This sounds easy but indeed it will get hard. Already at the moment you are urged to use your smartphone more and more: for any kind of tickets, for accommodation (getting the key), for paying, for online services … for everything. Your smartphone gets more and more functions your personal identity card or passport or your credit card had until now, it’s all in one (and much more). And if you don’t have one you’re an idiot from the dark ages and you will not matter at all anymore. Profiteers will ensure that and politicians will legitimize it, of course the will, and people will elect them because of that. Who’s not for protecting children?

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Get the Light Phone 3 :smiling_face::smiling_face: Looks good and does what is needed from a ‘phone’

Except oldschool SMS messages are transmitted completely without encryption and since the SS7 networks are fundamentally insecure, going to a non-smart phone will not help you escape government mass surveillance at all.

I’m actually worried it may not just affect the cloud, it might be implemented in a way where messengers will have to include a proprietary binary component where the source code will not be accessible.

Imagine some private company (possibly even US-based) that implements these scanning features having the power to essentially run any arbitrary code inside the messaging applications you use.

For now there are good news from the EU:


If not this time, then next time.

IMO a clear decision against the proposal would have been preferable. Avoiding that may actually be the reason why they pulled it.

The good thing is that with the shift towards right-wing parties in the last elections, at least the chance of this passing will be lower. Far right parties are usually against surveillance (at least as long as they are not in power) since there is a good chance it would be used against them.

If a French company offers a communication system, including content verification, I think that if the service is good I could use it and even pay a subscription (but it would have to include services with local partnerships or other).
It would be much, much more useful than what I have at the moment.

PS: I would take the Family Pack.

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