Eventual "leftovers" from previous /e/OS installations?


When I bought the Fairphone 4 it came with /e/OS 1.18.
Then, each and every time there was a new /e/OS release, I updated the phone and now it has /e/OS version 2.1.

Are there “leftovers” on my phone of all these /e/OS versions which might be occupying space/resources and which might be safely removed? I’d like to stress the word “safely”.

In the negative case, very good!
In the positive case, is there a detailed procedure on how to safely remove those eventual /e/OS “leftovers” from the FP4?

Please let me know if this question is more suited for forum.fairphone.com so that I could post it there.

Thank you

Best Regards


Is anyone able to help with my question?

Thank you

Best Regards

The only thing I’m aware of is Settings - Updater - (3 dot menu) - Preferences - Delete updates when installed.
It’s enabled for me, else I guess the updater would still list old updates to possibly delete manually.

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Thank you!
I will have a look at that option on the FP4.