Exporting conversation

Exporting a conversation would be an interesting feature for the message app.
Until now (3.9.4 version), only archiving or saving are possible.
The export would be for example in a .txt file, as contacts can be exported in vcf files.
If a message contains images, another format would be necessary. Yet text export would be great as a first step.

Not exactly what You think of (built in) but should work - are You aware of My Phone Explorer?
I assume that once synced with/connected to PC one can easily copy-paste content of messages incl. pictures to anywhere… (works only with Windows-PC though)

Thanks for the link.

  • A little bit too “big” for the need, but interesting. Unfortunately, exodus indicated a 7/10 mark for privacy (Google Firebase Analytics and Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Core), which I consider not trustable as it concerns very private data
  • Only have linux PCs. Maybe in the futur, you’ll provide an .App version :wink:

Good point.
even though these trackers seem to not (yet?) appear in onboard Advanced Privacys Tracker Blocker nor via personalDNSfilter…
Anyways… no corresponding Linux client available…

EDIT: There´s a reason why they do not show up, see the developers answer regarding the trackers (in German): https://www.fjsoft.at/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37451 - in short English:

  • Google Firebase Analytics tracker is deactivated FIREBASE_ANALYTICS_COLLECTION_DEACTIVATED
  • Huawei-Push-Kit is not integrated in version hosted in play-store (therefore presumably true for Aurora Store and App Lounge as well)
  • Firebase can be deactivated on PC as well via tweak of ini-file