Exporting a conversation would be an interesting feature for the message app.
Until now (3.9.4 version), only archiving or saving are possible.
The export would be for example in a .txt file, as contacts can be exported in vcf files.
If a message contains images, another format would be necessary. Yet text export would be great as a first step.
Not exactly what You think of (built in) but should work - are You aware of My Phone Explorer?
I assume that once synced with/connected to PC one can easily copy-paste content of messages incl. pictures to anywhere… (works only with Windows-PC though)
Thanks for the link.
- A little bit too “big” for the need, but interesting. Unfortunately, exodus indicated a 7/10 mark for privacy (Google Firebase Analytics and Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Core), which I consider not trustable as it concerns very private data
- Only have linux PCs. Maybe in the futur, you’ll provide an .App version
Good point.
even though these trackers seem to not (yet?) appear in onboard Advanced Privacys Tracker Blocker nor via personalDNSfilter…
Anyways… no corresponding Linux client available…
EDIT: There´s a reason why they do not show up, see the developers answer regarding the trackers (in German): https://www.fjsoft.at/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37451 - in short English:
- Google Firebase Analytics tracker is deactivated
- Huawei-Push-Kit is not integrated in version hosted in play-store (therefore presumably true for Aurora Store and App Lounge as well)
- Firebase can be deactivated on PC as well via tweak of ini-file