Extremely annoying alarm sound

My Fairphone 4 with e/OS is giving a loud ding-dong like sound which seems to be an alarm. When it sounds (often more than 10 times a day and night) a brief line saying Account Manager appears for a few seconds on the screen. I never in a year had the possibility to react, but nothing adverse occurred.
I am extremely annoied by that alarm. How can I delete it?

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Is it an Notification? Do you have Notificationhistory on? You might check there from which app it comes :thinking:

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If it is a Notification sound the first place to look is Settings > Sounds and vibration. Here you can check Default notification sound. You should be able to tap and see the name of the sound, tap again and play it, to check if this is the offender. You could now change to a new sound. Silent (none, top of list) is also an option.

Thank you for your help. I did what you suggested, and I found the sound. Indeed I can choose another sound, but there is no choise for a no-sound. Thus during listening to music or what else every time the sound of the music tapers down and the alarm sound comes through loudly. Even multiple times during the night while I am sleeping.

Is there a solution?


Hi Mihael,

It seems to be a notification by “account manager”.

When I look further it says : busy with management of imported data. Busy with trying to manage Open PGP data. Fault while reading import data.
Local source: null

I do not know how to activate or deactivate an notification manager.
The notification sound sounds often when I am not using the phone, for instance while I am sleeping. My partner is not happy. As far as I know I do not use PGP.

Open PGP sounds like OpenKeychain (if I can believe a quick search on the almighty internet). Try to deactivate OpenKeychain app if you don’t use it.

So you know it is a Notification.

@mihi first suggestion Post #2 should be useful.

I have no Notifications set for Account Manager.

Found Settings > Apps (and notifications) > Show all … apps > Top right 3 dot menu > Show system > Search for Account manager.

However, once you silence the notification you may need to still rectify the problem which you now started to identify.

Try to run the phone in Safe mode for as long as possible. This will identify if an /e/ system app is responsible, or a third party app you installed (perhaps).

Phone on > Press power button > Long press Power off icon > Accept Safe mode.

annoying alarm sound
To: /

Thank you,

I have no Open PGP app and Open keychain is a preinstalled app that says
that I might get malfunctions in other procedures if I put it out.

However, thanks to aibd I found the place to stop notifications from the
account manager. Now I have no further annoying alarm sounds and this
solves my problem to a great extent. However, now I also found the
accompanying messages. Most of them refer to maartuser, which is my
Murena account. There seems to be some sort of problem there. Would it
be necessary to solve that problem or can I just leave it.
As an illustration I send some screenshots of today and yesterday. Do
you have any further suggestions?

Next to that I have another question. I use QKSMS to send messages. This
app has a spelling controller that automatically corrects typo’s to the
supposed correct spelling and suggests words halfway. Two times in
hundreds of messages i got an automatic question which language I wanted
to use. All other times the app picks just a language of its own choice.
This is also very annoying, for when I write a message in Dutch it
supposes often that I am talking English and other times the same with
French or vice versa. I tried all I could imagine but I never succeeded
to find the way to produce the screen that lets you choose your
language. Could you give me a good advice what to do? Why don’t app’s
and phones have user manuals?

Thank You,

I didn’t say you have an Open PGP app, the message you had mentioned it and the relation was OpenKeychain app. I think you could have deactivated it but I am also not sure.

Happy to hear the alarm is gone now

This screenshot is from default Message app. If you have more than one language installed the Globe icon to the left of the spacebar changes the language, the current language shows in the spacebar.

Please see if you can get a report generated with Telemetry.

Settings > System > Developer options > Enable /e/OS Telemetry

If an automatic report is not generated please add:

Settings > System > Developer options > Bug report shortcut

If it is necessary, to enable Developer options, please try

Settings > About phone > Scroll down to Build Number. Tap 7 - 10 times rapidly on Build number in order to Enable Developer options.

  • You will get a message that you are a Developer