There was also some work done on an Oreo upgrade but let’s skip it, I suppose.
I would set the priority as urgent, considering this issue with the current Android version (Nougat). It’s a Fairphone issue, but Lineage applied the fix early this year, so there’s no reason for /e/ to keep us waiting, either by fixing it or upgrading the Android version (as it is fixed in the next versions, I’ve heard). Any option is fine for me.
The Pie upgrade is there but Magic Earth app is missing on my phone. Are other people missing it as well?
It had already been raised during the upgrade testing phase especially by @pjmbraet, and @rhunault had mentioned a solution…
Yes, had to reinstall it from Apps, two times, after every official update from Pie to Pie Maps is gone. My last post in upgrade testers group was about this issue yesterday, but this morning I found out I can’t access this group anymore. The testing is over on FP2. Strangely enough, while testing on FP2 this issue never occurred. Now the official build for FP2 is out: two updates since, and every time Maps is gone @rhunault
This happened a while ago on Nougat too, also on other devices, but now the developers have to find a solution for this, doesn’t make sense to post it on Gitlab anymore, it is the same as a few moths ago on Nougat, but now in Pie.
The first official build here (…0216) gave no trouble at all, but the two updates after that removed “Maps”
As I had anyway problems with the official pie during the test phase (changing from a unofficial /e/-pie) I’ll wait with a change until that issue is resolved…Maybe this will also resolve my problem (I could not restore my data partition… when I did phone booted but then /e/ keeped crashing…)
I delete my previous message. Thanks /e/ Team. You just put a new build via the updater (OTA) and this build has got Magic Earth. You were fast. The way to go!
When testing the upgrade from Nougat to Pie there was another testing group about “Sprint Freetown”, but I didn’t understand anything these developers were talking about.
We have two testing streams Sprint testing and Upgrade Testing
For our development we adopt the agile method of coding which includes sprints… short time based development cycles in which we identify a set of bugs and fixes to be implemented. So we had sprint 1, 2,3 and so on. We use 2 week sprints and then 1 week of testing.
To make it easy to remember we named them after cities of the world .Aexandria, Beijing and so on we are currently in Sprint F which is named Freetown.
The code that is tested in these sprints forms the base for the dev builds that go out to all devices.
The Upgrade testing is exclusively to test the upgrade of the OS on different devices. For e.g. you helped in the testing for FP2 which we have now released. Next we need to test the ROM for other devices. Here we do not have a time line as such since it has just started. We will set 2 week max cycles here as well to test upgrade of a device since it is along list.