Fairphone 3 and /e/OS

How long will the delay between Fairphone’s updates on the original OS and /e/ updates be?

@benn we plan to have updates at least once a month to include the security patches and bug fixes.
Fairphone with official stock Android might have other lifecyle.


At the moment there is just one camera module, so right now that is somewhat theoretical.

For the FP2 there was one new camera module. If you had bought your FP2 earlier, you could upgrade. All FP2 sold after the release of the new module automatically had it without extra cost.


Thank you everyone for your quick replies and explanations (and apologies @PNJ88_Beast, I will check out that thread as well). I understood it the same way as @mlh300. Great that the switch is possible and that you are collaborating, an open source OS really was the last piece of the puzzle for me when buying the FP3. Going install /e/ soon and will share my experience here.

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@alexis Sorry for the @, but could you clarify on the bootloader situation? Does the FP3 with /e/OS come with a locked bootloader when I order it from you? Thanks in advance.

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The FP3 with /e/OS we will ship will have bootloader locked.


Also interested to know, as the procedure to get the unlock code from Fairphone seems a bit complex.
Ideally for me, the /e/-Fairphone would come locked but along with its unlock code somewhere in the package :wink:

The thing is, not everyone who unlocked their bootloader had to enter a code, see

And as long as there is no code in the package, the support article even has some screenshots how to find the relevant numbers


:100: Points from me!

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As a proud owner of an FP2 running /e/OS how could I not cheer to that.

This is great news and another step on the path to a better world.

Way to go people, way to go.


Hi @alexis, this is definitively a great news !

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I was asking the same question for those who already have a FP3 and want to proceed with /e/ flashing by themselves, will the bootloader will be locked after flashing … and I just noticed that at the end of the flashing process :

The bolded text make me fell that it has been added or at least highlighted to avoid to answer to this question again and again … :smile:
/e/ is definitively a must have :ok_hand:

Bonjour Alexis,
J’ai acheté un Fairphone 3 en décembre, puisqu’il ne devait y avoir que “quelques semaine” pour avoir un autre OS que Google. 6 mois après, e/OS arrive (youpi) et je me jette sur le tuto pour l’installer. Le bootloader est déverrouillé, l’EOM et l’USB aussi, mais l’ordi (un surface pro 4) ne le reconnait pas.
Ensuite, quand on me demande de taper adb device, où dois je le faire ?
le fairphone n’a jamais fonctionné, il n’a pas de sim (elle est prête mais pas dans le téléphone) je n’aime vraiment pas GOOGLE.
Merci d’avance

Au secours!

Bon jour, @rico

Welcome to /e/Land,
moi non plus j’aime pas Gogol,

Voici un How To très clair et très détaillé
pour installer/e/OS sur le FairPhone 3
avec plein de super photos, merci @Chimpthepimp


Édit :
le schmylblique a été écris pour Minux, mais ça change pas grand chose, pour les autres OS, à la place du “terminal”, il faut simplement utiliser :
"Invite de commande" sous Windobe,
et "console" sous MaQueue.


Bienvenu rico,
J’ai flashé /e/ à partir d’Ubuntu, je ne pourrai donc pas être d’une aide pour la procédure de ton OS mais “adb devices” est logiquement une command line à saisir dans le terminal (je ne suis pas expert). Ce topic est pour annoncer l’arrivée de /e/ sur Fairphone 3 je t’encourage à créer un Topic dans la partie Francophone, je pense que tu trouveras des gens prêts à t’aider.

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bonjour Alexis,

merci pour ce retour.

bonne journée.

Hello e.buddies

Is there any news about the /e/ Fairphone pre-order & shipping date ?

Thank you !

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Hi guys,

What great news. This is the phone & OS combination I always dreamed off.
You did a great job. :ok_hand: :clap: :smiley:

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I have ordered my fairphone 3 from fairphone directly more than three weeks ago now and still haven’t received it. I don’t know if it would be any faster ordering from /e/.

I also ordered a Fairphone 3 more than a month ago directly from Fairphone and received nothing either.

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