Fairphone 3 - Hotspot not working (switches of after 3 seconds)

Hi folks,

I have a question re the recent update of /e/OS. I have a Fairphone 3 and since the recent upgrade, I lost the ability to do tethering. When I switch on the Hotspot button, it switches off again after 3 seconds. Any ideas on why this might be?

It’s a known issue.


Thank you for your reply.

I know this topic is not a current one and the mentioned GitLab issue has long been closed. But with the really bugged 1.8.1-s-20230203257074-dev-FP3 version on my FP3, I also have this problem (apart from the other issues). A fixed version is currently also not in sight. Slowly it becomes really annoying using /e/OS for me when even basic things are not working, maybe I have to look for alternatives soon.