Fairphone 4 e/OS/ vs Google Android - Camera app


I have a question that I can’t find the answer to. I own two Fairphone 4s, one with e/OS/ and another one with Google Android (one for work and one for personal if anyone’s curious).

I’ve never been completely satisfied with the camera experience with the Fairphone 4 on e/OS/. The camera om my Google Android Fairphone 4 seems to be much better. When looking around in the camera settings on Google Andriod Fairphone 4, I can’t find any info that the camera app is related to Google in any way.

So my question: Does anyone know if the camera app on Google Android Fairphone 4 is Google’s app? If not, does anyknow how if I can somehow use the Google Android Fairphone 4 camera app on e/OS/?

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Hello frebys

Since one or two releases there are two camera apps installed by default on the FP4: open camera the standard eos cam and the Fairphone 4 camera app from their android afaiu.
You should be able to switch this somewhere in the settings.

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Very interesting! That would be great if it were the case. Does anyone know how I can access the Fairphone 4 (their Android) camera? I can’t seem to find anything in the settings etc.

(I’m currently running e/OS/ version 2.2.

I havent tried it but according to the releasenotes for 2.2 T its:

Fairphone 4

  • You’ll now be able to enjoy Fairphone’s default camera app to take pictures if you want to, you just need to enable one setting in Settings > Apps > Fairphone Camera and reboot your phone. Warning though, for now the video mode does not work, it’ll be fixed in a next release.
  • The 48MP/50MPx mode has been added into /e/OS Camera for this phone

Wow, thanks very much! This is a game changer for me and might even lead to my friend buying a Fairphone e/OS. thanks a lot again!

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I can said that the FP4 stock camera app, that I can use with eOS starting from v. 2.2, seem much better than eOS camera app. But you can’t use others apps, like GCam port. Also, I have problem with one app (LepidaID) that can’t read QR code anymore. And one thing other: the FP4 stock app can’t take video. Is a known bug and sould be correct in the future.

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