Fairphone 4, updater keeps crashing (phone bought from e-foundation)


A few days back my Murena Fairphone 4 arrived. I have installed a few applications and noticed that there are 2 updates available. I can download the updates but when I try to install any of them, the updater crashes immediately.

Current version: 0.21-r-20220112156786-stable-FP4
Available updates:

  • /e/OS 0.21-20220123158735
  • /e/OS 0.22-20220224165878

Restarted the device multilple times, no firewall active (at least, I have not activated it and I cannot see anything running).

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You may have a wrong update that appears. (for another device?)
This happened to me twice
Did you try to refresh the updater page?
Doing this would check another time the available updates, and maybe gives you the right one.

You can check the version you are using currently from

Settings > About phone > Android version > /e/version.

Long press on /e/ version may “Copy to clipboard”

How can I check if the updates available are the correct ones for my FP4 ?
The versionnumbers that I see for the updates are newer then my current version.

It should be possible to view the source of the updates using the Updater.

Try long press the update … or select the update and check the 3 dot menu, top right.

These links will provide a cross check with published releases.

Downloads for the FP4

Long press does not work but I could get the url of the update using the 3 dot menu.
The file name looks like a legit update

When I try to use the url on my PC or phone-webbrowser I get a 403 error. (The updater says the upload has been downloaded though).

The filename look almost like the files on R Stable except for the directory names and the R Stable files starting with IMG-