Fairphone 5 upgraded to Android 14

Hi Community!

I recently had a FP5 and wanted to switch on /e/OS.
The thing is that I had to (due to a FP5 bug on unlocking OEM while having PIN code configured) upgrade to Android 14.
One the OEM unlock, I red the /e/os/ caveats about installing Android with less secured stack than the one on the phone.
Here I am, I have an Android 14 with September security patch, and /e/os image which is Android 13 with September security patch.
So… Is there a risk or should I wait for December and /e/OS Android 14?

Thanks and have a nice day :vulcan_salute:!

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Caution: The FP5 comes with an anti-rollback feature. Google Android anti-roll back feature is supposedly a way to ensure you are running the latest software version, including the latest security patches.

If you try installing a version of /e/OS based on a security patch that is older than the one on your device, you will brick your device. Click on Details below for detailed information

More information here :



Just to add … The “Details” there can be expanded, which should then answer many questions.

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Thanks @MRTN & @AnotherElk !

Of course I carrefulley red the manual and take also care of the details under the expended details arrow.

But still not clear to me: Can I downgrade Android 14 (Stock ROM) with its security patch of september to Android 13 (/e/OS) w/o bricking my new FP5?

For sake of language improvement, if this answer is on the aforementioned manual, would you be kind to show me the sentence clarifying it :pray:?


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I guess it comes down to conclude that Android 14 and Android 13 are the “Android version”.
The Details establish that there’s a “rollback index” stored on the device which Android rollback protection is looking at.
The Details then go on to say …

“The value of rollback index is NOT dependent on the currently installed ANDROID VERSION.”

Example 3 then is meant to illustrate this.
But perhaps they could add an Example 4 exactly with the case you described.

Ok, correct me if 'm wrong

  • Your FP5 runs Google Android -R while /e/OS is now available based on AOSP -S.

Could be also red as:

  • Your FP5 runs Google Android -S while /e/OS is now available based on AOSP -R.

And we could add:

Whatever the Android version gap between Android version curretnlty running on your phone and the Android version you plan to deploy, only the GAP on the security patch versions will indicate if you have a risk to brick your phone.

Am I right?



I have an FP5 with Android 14 here myself. Shouldn’t e/OS have come out for 14 already, or am I mistaken?

This depends whether you have /e/OS community or /e/OS official installed on your Fairphone 5.

  • /e/OS community: /e/OS U (= Android 14) is available, but no OTA upgrade will be available (manual upgrade is necessary)
  • /e/OS official: currently only /e/OS T (= Android 13) available; OTA upgrade to /e/OS U will (probably) come, but this may take a while because of testing etc.

See also Different Build Types


I have to admit, I am a bit confused now. I have an FP5 with Android 14 (Google Android). I would like to install e/OS on my FP5. Is that possible this time?

I don’t care about the Android version personally. But from what I’ve read, I have to use Android 14 with e/OS if Android 14 is already on the device?

In any case, there are instructions for this: Install /e/OS on a Fairphone FP5 - “FP5”

Must i use “U community” or “T official”? Very thanks :slight_smile:

You cannot downgrade regarding stock OS android version, Also depend of your current security patch date…(original must be older than /e/'s) :

Downloads for FP5 (from date 2025.01.04)

  • /e/OS build : U community (Security patch: 2024-11-01)
  • /e/OS build : T official (Security patch: 2024-11-05)
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Ah ok, now it is clear. Very thanks :slight_smile:

When you are not sure whether it can be locked, you can try to enter the command.
Fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability is not 0, it must be 1! If it is zero, don’t continue!

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Hey, does this mean that if i get

❯ fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability
(bootloader) get_unlock_ability: 1

that i am good to go installing e/OS?

This is when you are ready to re-lock the bootloader after brushing the system. If the code above the command shows 1, it can be re-locked. If it is equal to 0, it will become bricked.

Hi Piero,

Thanks for your response. I’m new to e/os so just wanted to double check, it is not currently possible to install the official e/os on a fairphone 5 with Android 14. Is my assumption correct?

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That’s correct. Android 14 only for the community version. I am waiting for the OTA upgrade as well.

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Thanks for the confirmation. Will join the waiting list then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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