Fairphone waitlist time?

Any word on how long the wait is to get a fairphone from e.foundation?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

At present we are out of stock and expect a new batch to arrive hopefully by Monday 13 July.


Out of stock… I guess it means the partnership exceeds expectations! Partnerships, the way to go! maybe partnering with actors of the phone second-life-cycle market (reconditioning, repair stores) rather than OEMs who are only a handfull.

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I have the same question, I tried to buy a FP3 today since it was out of stock last week but it was out of stock again, once I had entered my personal information for the shipment. When approximatly will you receive more FP3s ?

Unfortunately there seems to be a delay in the arrival of fresh stocks. With tomorrow being a bank holiday in France we expect the stocks to come towards the end of this week.
We will announce the arrival of the stock on the forum and telegram channels.
Sorry for the inconvenience .


Thank you for your reply. I am looking forward to buying a phone soon

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