Fascinating interview with Gaël Duval

Original posting by @Beryl - Thank you!

The “Projets libres” podcast has just broadcast a fascinating interview with Gaël Duval, the boss of Murena (and /e/OS).

We learn a lot, particularly about the genesis of the project. Click here to listen

The best translator


Wow this is an excellent interview. I had to post the link in google translate to get the full article in English. Maybe there will be a better way to reference an English translation but until then here it is for others

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once I got past “c’est carré” I was surprised the firefox translate feature french to english worked reasonably well


pointing to a google tool on e/OS forum, you are pretty funny :slight_smile:

the author post a link to an alternative and maybe even better translator, check again the end of the post.

@Didou without a pro account deepl (the link above you reference) can only translate a very small portion of the text:

Only 1500/84301 characters translated. Try DeepL Pro for free for 30 days to enjoy unlimited text translation.

Is this a ffox extension or only a desktop feature, or how to trigger it on mobile?

@rikshaw desktop only. Feature is tracked at https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/translation-add-on-firefox-for-android/idi-p/286

Nightly can add all extensions (via custom addon group ids), didn’t try yet if it works. I’d guess not due to how models are packaged/installed.


them combined ~1.5M from MOBIFREE https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101135795/fr though… that’s quite an annoncement. There was the SIDN fund, but that has another volume. Adjacent projects also


Tracker detection and blocking through artificial intelligence. I find the announcement very interesting and promising for the future. I would like to congratulate eFoundation and Murena on this forward-looking step and hope very much that Murena will gradually become a widespread and well-known alternative to Apple and Google devices.

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