Feature for Bliss lanucher, Deskclock


I’m a happy user of the eOS on my Mi4c. It seems that the phone can eventually rest from the never ending work when using MIUI :-))) I need to test it a bit longer, but it seems incredibly promisingly.

I would like to request a few I believe improvements:

  1. Regarding Bliss Launcher:
  • There is no customization regarding icons. I can only change a place of icons when icons fills whole desktop. Otherwise I can’t order them as I would like to.
  • I would like to change Icon size
  • Possibility to turn off Widgets page (App Suggestions, Weather)
  • Change a number icons in a raw or columns
  1. Regarding Deskclock:
  • I would like to use white or light theme
  • In alarm section I can turn on or off the alarm. I would invite a option to turn off the current alarm only for today

I know that it’s easier to think than make real features :slight_smile:


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Hi @cooky,
You can share you suggestions on Gitlab. We will mark it as a feature request. The Bliss is undergoing major refactoring to improve the code and optimize it. The developer will be making some UI changes as well. If the suggestions are accepted they could make it into the Bliss launcher.
Not sure we have received any suggestions for the clock as yet. You can add your suggestions all the same.

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Hi @Manoj,

Thank you very much for your response. I’ll do as you suggested.

why don’t try another launcher like zim launcher, open launcher or the most customizeable launcher ever ‘TotalLauncher’?
TotalLauncher has all you have requested

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Cause this launcher brings quite basic functionality for the eOS system which is a great idea to me. That is why I care and prefer to improve it.
For instance I use different calculator or video, media player than the default ones, but those are some extra gadgets, launcher, message, phone, contacts for me are the basics for mobile phone, to clear it out :slight_smile:

Anyway, thanka @harvey186 for your tips!