Feature or should say anti-feature request, Bluetooth

So since eOS 2.6.3u (previous version 2.5t) I have noticed then when I swipe down to tiles to turn Bluetooth OFF it used to turn just toggle ON or OFF. Now a second prompt in the form of a switch pops up to turn Bluetooth ON/OFF. This is extremely annoying :face_vomiting:.

Now let me say here I understand this is a basic Android feature build into Android 14 but I would love to see that features disabled in eOS. I know it’s not a high priority but it would be nice.

I suspect this is a Google ploy to discourage you from turning your Bluetooth OFF (ever) in order to protect their advertising revenue streams.

I anyone knows how to kill this feature please chime in :grinning:

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I fully agree.
The second prompt makes it by far less convenient to turn Bluetooth on or off.

For me it is important to be able to turn off bluetooth quickly. My earphones sometimes connect despite not being used which in turn start playing media without actually anyone listening…

It’s actually three prompts, hit Bluetooth, turn switch ON/OFF, then press done. So going to setting is as fast or faster.

They want you to leave Bluetooth on so they can bombard you with ads from “Bluetooth Beacons” in grocery stores and shopping mall (among other nefarious purposes).

They really want you to just not bother. This new feature adds no convenience or benefit to the end user that I can figure, out anyway. Except ads, pun intended LOL.

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Someone correct me if I am using the term “anti feature” correct. I never really understand the meaning when it says: Newpipe (for instance) my have “anti features”.

I am also not that happy about the change. You may look into the open-source app Better Internet Tiles | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository that offers a bluetooth tile with the old behaviour. (I have only tried it once, and it launches a permanent background process so that I have chosen to currently live with the new bluetooth behaviour. This is not meant as a criticism of the app developer, who did a great job IMHO!)

We will see whether LineageOS (and therefore /e/OS) will bring back the old bluetooth tile as an option. I have the impression that LineageOS and /e/OS (still) offer tiles e.g. for WiFi and mobile internet while stock Android only offers an internet tile with a popup, similar to bluetooth.

Has anyone already created a feature request on the /e/OS GitLab to restore the old bluetooth tile?

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