Fedora 33 Android package

For download and installing the Android package for Fedora 33 the
Terminal commands for getting the Fedora 33 package installed

For Fedora 33 the Terminal commands are:

**sudo dnf search android-tools**
**sudo dnf install android-tools**

and further to get the e Easy installer :slight_smile:

sudo snap install easy-installer --channel=latest/beta

export PATH="$HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"

(Plug in your device to computer and run the easy-installer)

fastboot device

@anon21640558 please be aware that Fedora uses a package called andtool-tools to provide Android platform-tools.

This provides system tools

It is always possible that adb from system will not connect successfully with a modern device.

Sometimes it is suggested that users adopt latest platform-tools imported direct from Android.

If this route is chosen, this is a significant change which must be understood.

Please can you tell me where did you put this code?

Please can you show me the output of
which fastboot

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Just one hint: the easy-installer always uses adb/fastboot that come bundled with the installer itself.

Having these tools in addition won’t hurt, but it will not change the behaviour of the installer (if something doesn’t work there for example).


It is some days ago are typed in that code and my memory has to freshen a little bit up as my focus were on other topics as well.

Do you know a command checking the history ot searching the

export PATH="$HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"

… comes from /e/ documentation page, https://doc.e.foundation/pages/install-adb

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