Feedback for v1.10


  • Vendor name: Fairphone
  • Device name: FP4
  • Device code name: FP4
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously 1.9-s-20230310268290-stable-FP4
  • Device not rooted

GPS stops working after some time, same issue as mentioned here: .

1 Like

Vendor: Gigaset
Device Name: GS290
Previous Version of /e/OS: 1.9-q (stable)
Rooted: No
OTA-Upgrade to 1.10-r (stable)
The update itself worked without problems, but afterwards I wasnā€™t able to go to the list of running apps (swiping from bottom or tapping the square icon). I use another launcher than bliss (simple launcher), to get the app-list working again, I had to switch the launcher one time to bliss and than back to simple launcher.
Primitive ftpd has become very slow with the new version when showing the filelist in a folder with many files. You have to wait several minutes whereas before the update it only took seconds (I assume this is a problem of Android 11, not e/OS/ specific).

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 1.9.1-s-20230405276851-stable-FP3
New version of /e/OS: 1.10-s-20230412278810-stable-FP3
Is the device Rooted / Not Rooted: Not Rooted

I have severe problems with mobile internet and mobile networks in general. I can barely receive incomming calls and my mobile data is completely unstable. The displayed connectivity grade jumps from no connection over no internet, E, 3G and, LTE to LTE+ in 5 to 10 seconds, stays ā€œstableā€ for a few seconds and the connection to the mobile network is lost again shortly after. Receiving calls is also hardly possible, because the connection is broken most of the time. WIFI works as expected.
My provider is ā€œDeutsche Telekomā€. I havenā€™t had any related problems in previous builds. I am currently not able to use my phone as intended.

Maybe you can try this :

1 Like


  • Vendor name: XIAOMI
  • Device name: Redmi Note 5A
  • Device code name: Mi8917 (ugglite)
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously 1.9-s-202303ā€¦-dev-Mi8917
  • Device not rooted

Everything has gone very well.
I have the same problems as before the new version:

  1. when I select the front camera I can see only a black screen. I can only take black photos. There is no problem with the camera because it works perfect with stock rom. I have not try the front camera with Lineage Microg.
  2. no fm radio.

Thank you team for your excellent work and your efforts.

I would be very grateful if anyone has any ideas about solving my problems, especially the first one.

Thank you in advance.

Vendor Name Fairphone 
Device name Fairphone 3+
Device CodeName Fp3
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously  1.9
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted:  not rootet

My issue already came up after installing 1.9, but was obviously not fixed in 1.10, but there is a easy workaround:

Issue: Internet-connectivity outside wifi is instable, warning ā€œno serviceā€ appears frequently.
Workaround: on settings ā†’ sim-card. I disabled ā€œsearch wifi-provider automaticallyā€ which seems to be the default-setting. I then chose my provider manually (same menu, position below). after this I rebooted the phone.

this might help someone encountering the same issueā€¦


Galaxy A3
/e/OS 1.9
Android 10/Q
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: I donā€™t know

Unfortunately, I do have some issues since the update:

  • Notes app fails on every synchronisation, throwing this error:
App Version: 3.7.1
App Version Code: 3007001

Files App Version Code: 402060000


OS Version: 3.10.108-gd78a73afd9c(eng.root.20230416.193236)
OS API Level: 29
Device: a3xeltexx
Manufacturer: samsung
Model (and Product): SM-A310F (lineage_a3xelte)


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key 233
	at$$Lambda$Collectors$kXZFmh6iM6xf9lJWimhd2Ef6NEs.apply(Unknown Source:0)
	at java.util.HashMap.merge(
	at$$Lambda$Collectors$nKlT6uFghrTzWO44dlFAJFeRr34.accept(Unknown Source:8)
	at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
	at it.niedermann.owncloud.notes.persistence.NotesRepository.getIdMap(
	at it.niedermann.owncloud.notes.persistence.NotesServerSyncTask.pullRemoteChanges(
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

  • Banking app ā€œABS Mobile Bankingā€ (using only for scanning QR-codes and transmitting the data to the e-banking on the laptop) does not work anymore (since 1.9).

Fixed issues:

  • Camera app works again (after not working at all with 1.9)

The issue with the Notes app which I used almost daily (and is currently useless), and previously also the camera app not working anymore made me think of ways I could possibly help improve the testing process. Would there be any way to get involved in beta testing, or in other words testing the new version prior to official release?

1 Like

@raphi - that Notes app issue is a second order effect of trying to rescue lost notes from a previous update. Migrating unsynced notes for users that never synced them seems to lead to duplicate keys in the device local database. You can follow for developments

After having seen how Notes works internally, Iā€™d stay away, let the sync do a dedicated tool and just write to a device local folder.

1 Like

Vendor Name: OnePLus
Device name: 8
Device CodeName: instantnoodle
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: e-1.9-r-20230310268291-stable-instantnoodle
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

After each release installation I change the following variables.

  • /system/etc/prop.default ro.debuggable 1->0
  • /system/build.propā€œuserdebugā€ ā†’ ā€œuserā€

OTA update did not succeed and AppLounge started to crash.

[04-30 17:58:19.930 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Disabling performance mode.
[04-30 17:58:19.936 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Using this install plan:
[04-30 17:58:19.938 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] InstallPlan: new_update, version: , source_slot: B, target_slot: A, url: file:///data/lineageos_updates/, payload: (size: 1284739945, metadata_size: 98339, metadata signature: , hash: EE5F997A8771655C9949871F3E97E5513AF82BCCEB0DFA3734B6DED7B5A0CD64, payload type: unknown), hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false, switch_slot_on_reboot: true, run_post_install: true, is_rollback: false, write_verity: true
[04-30 17:58:19.939 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Number of Reboots during current update attempt = 0
[04-30 17:58:19.940 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Payload Attempt Number = 1
[04-30 17:58:19.942 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Update Monotonic Timestamp Start = 1/1/1970 1:00:42 GMT
[04-30 17:58:19.943 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Update Boot Timestamp Start = 1/1/1970 1:16:02 GMT
[04-30 17:58:19.944 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Scheduling an action processor start.
[04-30 17:58:19.947 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: starting UpdateBootFlagsAction
[04-30 17:58:19.948 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Marking booted slot as good.
[04-30 17:58:19.966 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: finished UpdateBootFlagsAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[04-30 17:58:19.967 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: starting NoOpAction
[04-30 17:58:19.968 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: finished NoOpAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[04-30 17:58:19.969 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: starting InstallPlanAction
[04-30 17:58:19.970 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: finished InstallPlanAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[04-30 17:58:19.971 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: starting DownloadAction
[04-30 17:58:19.972 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] InstallPlan: new_update, version: , source_slot: B, target_slot: A, url: file:///data/lineageos_updates/, payload: (size: 1284739945, metadata_size: 98339, metadata signature: , hash: EE5F997A8771655C9949871F3E97E5513AF82BCCEB0DFA3734B6DED7B5A0CD64, payload type: unknown), hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false, switch_slot_on_reboot: true, run_post_install: true, is_rollback: false, write_verity: true
[04-30 17:58:19.979 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Marking new slot as unbootable
[04-30 17:58:19.997 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] starting first transfer
[04-30 17:58:19.998 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] starting transfer of range 1450+1284739945
[04-30 17:58:20.000 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 0/? operations, 16384/1284739945 bytes downloaded (0%), overall progress 0%
[04-30 17:58:20.003 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Manifest size in payload matches expected value from Omaha
[04-30 17:58:20.004 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Verifying using certificates: /system/etc/security/
[04-30 17:58:20.008 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] signature blob size = 267
[04-30 17:58:20.010 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Truncating the signature to its unpadded size: 256.
[04-30 17:58:20.011 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Verified correct signature 1 out of 1 signatures.
[04-30 17:58:20.012 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Metadata hash signature matches value in Omaha response.
[04-30 17:58:20.016 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Detected a 'full' payload.
[04-30 17:58:20.021 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] dynamic-partition-metadata-updated not present in /data/misc/update_engine/prefs

[04-30 17:58:20.022 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Preparing partitions for new update. last hash = , new hash = 7l+ZeodxZVyZSYcfPpflUTr4K8zrDfo3NLbe17WgzWQ=Orw2NzRTbxv/U/j+Ml+GHcxGO6C/fKc5FX0iNGySM+o=
[04-30 17:58:20.026 1294:1294 W/update_engine]
[] overlayfs overrides are active and can interfere with our resources.
[04-30 17:58:20.027 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Erasing AVB footer of system_other partition before update.
[04-30 17:58:20.029 1294:1294 E/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]ReadFstabFromFile(): cannot open file: '/system/etc/fstab.postinstall': No such file or directory
[04-30 17:58:20.030 1294:1294 W/update_engine]
[] Cannot read fstab from /system/etc/fstab.postinstall: No such file or directory (2)
[04-30 17:58:20.031 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] AVB is not enabled on system_other. Skip erasing.
[04-30 17:58:20.043 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition odm_a
[04-30 17:58:20.045 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(odm_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 17:58:20.046 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped odm_a from device mapper.
[04-30 17:58:20.059 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition product_a
[04-30 17:58:20.062 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(product_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 17:58:20.063 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped product_a from device mapper.
[04-30 17:58:20.071 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition system_a
[04-30 17:58:20.073 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(system_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 17:58:20.075 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped system_a from device mapper.
[04-30 17:58:20.088 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition system_ext_a
[04-30 17:58:20.090 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(system_ext_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 17:58:20.091 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped system_ext_a from device mapper.
[04-30 17:58:20.108 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition vendor_a
[04-30 17:58:20.111 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(vendor_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 17:58:20.113 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped vendor_a from device mapper.
[04-30 17:58:20.117 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.121 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.123 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Removing group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a
[04-30 17:58:20.125 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Added group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a with size 7511998464
[04-30 17:58:20.126 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[liblp]Partition odm_a will resize from 0 bytes to 1310720 bytes
[04-30 17:58:20.128 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Added partition odm_a to group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a with size 1310720
[04-30 17:58:20.129 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[liblp]Partition product_a will resize from 0 bytes to 420855808 bytes
[04-30 17:58:20.131 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Added partition product_a to group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a with size 420855808
[04-30 17:58:20.132 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[liblp]Partition system_a will resize from 0 bytes to 1732562944 bytes
[04-30 17:58:20.134 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Added partition system_a to group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a with size 1732562944
[04-30 17:58:20.135 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[liblp]Partition system_ext_a will resize from 0 bytes to 222605312 bytes
[04-30 17:58:20.136 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Added partition system_ext_a to group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a with size 222605312
[04-30 17:58:20.138 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[liblp]Partition vendor_a will resize from 0 bytes to 1002708992 bytes
[04-30 17:58:20.140 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Added partition vendor_a to group oneplus_dynamic_partitions_a with size 1002708992
[04-30 17:58:20.143 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[liblp]Updated logical partition table at slot 0 on device /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.144 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Copied metadata to slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.146 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PreparePartitionsForUpdate done.
[04-30 17:58:20.150 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.153 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.154 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] boot_a is not in super partition metadata.
[04-30 17:58:20.156 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.158 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.161 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.162 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] dtbo_a is not in super partition metadata.
[04-30 17:58:20.164 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.165 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.168 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.243 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Created logical partition odm_a on device /dev/block/dm-1
[04-30 17:58:20.246 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Succesfully mapped odm_a to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-1
[04-30 17:58:20.248 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.250 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.316 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Created logical partition product_a on device /dev/block/dm-2
[04-30 17:58:20.323 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Succesfully mapped product_a to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-2
[04-30 17:58:20.326 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.329 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.330 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] recovery_a is not in super partition metadata.
[04-30 17:58:20.332 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.334 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.337 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.392 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Created logical partition system_a on device /dev/block/dm-3
[04-30 17:58:20.395 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Succesfully mapped system_a to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-3
[04-30 17:58:20.397 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.399 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.459 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Created logical partition system_ext_a on device /dev/block/dm-4
[04-30 17:58:20.464 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Succesfully mapped system_ext_a to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-4
[04-30 17:58:20.468 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.471 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.473 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] vbmeta_a is not in super partition metadata.
[04-30 17:58:20.476 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.478 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.481 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.482 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] vbmeta_system_a is not in super partition metadata.
[04-30 17:58:20.484 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.486 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 17:58:20.489 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 17:58:20.520 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Created logical partition vendor_a on device /dev/block/dm-5
[04-30 17:58:20.523 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Succesfully mapped vendor_a to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-5
[04-30 17:58:20.524 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new boot sha256: lglHJ9W9YfJQgidZvMPdpk7WOov6F13/KR+G1/txwNU= size: 100663296
[04-30 17:58:20.526 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new dtbo sha256: uBwRui1gdudpJal0pfUphSak0zk2DL+qzbqz976H6Jo= size: 25165824
[04-30 17:58:20.527 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new odm sha256: 7SU7rgDf/tbF8jePnVia7UbdiudSylS8pHMwdvq8wmk= size: 1310720
[04-30 17:58:20.529 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new product sha256: VR8eaBE+II74txIlU/93n8VOlQ1QRpPgEWXPHYfHfXY= size: 420855808
[04-30 17:58:20.530 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new recovery sha256: EPBDBFDt4lFfokdqEVwO1xte5+q2wtU3AJRpS3AyQGI= size: 100663296
[04-30 17:58:20.531 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new system sha256: M50au/uSwWf4R36ujlSKir6SSDUQV1x/LvlXhsa2qls= size: 1732562944
[04-30 17:58:20.533 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new system_ext sha256: mDu7DrXZ1m0MFRxmlnqeMnhXXNhN4c7IvR19wt3Q+8s= size: 222605312
[04-30 17:58:20.534 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new vbmeta sha256: Vaw2IC3qLJlCX1TFuyz9BZbp7NCwNshGMYifiGFkyfY= size: 8192
[04-30 17:58:20.536 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new vbmeta_system sha256: zuKFdq5B7s6tNDMuweMlmtww6xdhvIBsycM+0kJ1gxQ= size: 4096
[04-30 17:58:20.537 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] PartitionInfo new vendor sha256: wkWv0PyDVD5I9rXCXPqQBtu1HH3GpDDBBUikBzMN4rs= size: 1002708992
[04-30 17:58:20.539 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot_a partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 17:58:20.542 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 17:58:20.543 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 48 operations to partition "boot"
[04-30 17:58:20.545 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Starting to apply update payload operations
[04-30 17:58:24.022 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/dtbo_a partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 17:58:24.025 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 17:58:24.026 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 12 operations to partition "dtbo"
[04-30 17:58:24.344 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/dm-1 partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 17:58:24.347 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 17:58:24.348 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 1 operations to partition "odm"
[04-30 17:58:24.491 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/dm-2 partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 17:58:24.494 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 17:58:24.495 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 201 operations to partition "product"
[04-30 17:58:45.578 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 196/1725 operations (11%), 128483328/1284739945 bytes downloaded (10%), overall progress 10%
[04-30 17:58:55.633 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery_a partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 17:58:55.636 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 17:58:55.637 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 48 operations to partition "recovery"
[04-30 17:58:59.454 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/dm-3 partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 17:58:59.457 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 17:58:59.458 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 827 operations to partition "system"
[04-30 17:59:07.947 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 376/1725 operations (21%), 256950272/1284739945 bytes downloaded (20%), overall progress 20%
[04-30 17:59:26.656 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 552/1725 operations (32%), 376373248/1284739945 bytes downloaded (29%), overall progress 30%
[04-30 17:59:52.078 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 719/1725 operations (41%), 513900544/1284739945 bytes downloaded (40%), overall progress 40%
[04-30 18:00:13.361 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 897/1725 operations (52%), 620773376/1284739945 bytes downloaded (48%), overall progress 50%
[04-30 18:00:38.217 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 1098/1725 operations (63%), 745160704/1284739945 bytes downloaded (58%), overall progress 60%
[04-30 18:00:43.766 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/dm-4 partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 18:00:43.770 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 18:00:43.771 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 107 operations to partition "system_ext"
[04-30 18:00:57.674 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vbmeta_a partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 18:00:57.678 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 18:00:57.679 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 1 operations to partition "vbmeta"
[04-30 18:00:57.682 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vbmeta_system_a partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 18:00:57.684 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 18:00:57.685 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 1 operations to partition "vbmeta_system"
[04-30 18:00:57.687 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Opening /dev/block/dm-5 partition without O_DSYNC
[04-30 18:00:57.689 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Caching writes.
[04-30 18:00:57.690 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Applying 479 operations to partition "vendor"
[04-30 18:01:01.383 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 1267/1725 operations (73%), 873627648/1284739945 bytes downloaded (68%), overall progress 70%
[04-30 18:01:24.249 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 1449/1725 operations (84%), 993607680/1284739945 bytes downloaded (77%), overall progress 80%
[04-30 18:01:52.870 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 1573/1725 operations (91%), 1156268032/1284739945 bytes downloaded (90%), overall progress 90%
[04-30 18:02:11.415 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Completed 1725/1725 operations (100%), 1284739945/1284739945 bytes downloaded (100%), overall progress 100%
[04-30 18:02:11.419 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Extracted signature data of size 267 at 1284641072
[04-30 18:02:11.420 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Terminating transfer.
[04-30 18:02:11.421 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Received transfer terminated.
[04-30 18:02:11.422 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] TransferEnded w/ code 200
[04-30 18:02:11.423 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Done w/ all transfers
[04-30 18:02:11.989 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Verifying using certificates: /system/etc/security/
[04-30 18:02:11.995 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] signature blob size = 267
[04-30 18:02:11.996 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Truncating the signature to its unpadded size: 256.
[04-30 18:02:11.998 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Verified correct signature 1 out of 1 signatures.
[04-30 18:02:11.998 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Payload hash matches value in payload.
[04-30 18:02:12.000 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Collections of histograms for UpdateEngine.DownloadAction.
[04-30 18:02:12.008 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: finished DownloadAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[04-30 18:02:12.009 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: starting FilesystemVerifierAction
[04-30 18:02:12.010 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 0 (boot) on device /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot_a
[04-30 18:02:12.270 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of boot: lglHJ9W9YfJQgidZvMPdpk7WOov6F13/KR+G1/txwNU=
[04-30 18:02:12.306 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 1 (dtbo) on device /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/dtbo_a
[04-30 18:02:12.375 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of dtbo: uBwRui1gdudpJal0pfUphSak0zk2DL+qzbqz976H6Jo=
[04-30 18:02:12.383 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 2 (odm) on device /dev/block/dm-1
[04-30 18:02:12.389 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of odm: 7SU7rgDf/tbF8jePnVia7UbdiudSylS8pHMwdvq8wmk=
[04-30 18:02:12.390 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 3 (product) on device /dev/block/dm-2
[04-30 18:02:13.394 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of product: VR8eaBE+II74txIlU/93n8VOlQ1QRpPgEWXPHYfHfXY=
[04-30 18:02:13.529 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 4 (recovery) on device /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery_a
[04-30 18:02:13.792 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of recovery: EPBDBFDt4lFfokdqEVwO1xte5+q2wtU3AJRpS3AyQGI=
[04-30 18:02:13.830 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 5 (system) on device /dev/block/dm-3
[04-30 18:02:17.872 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of system: M50au/uSwWf4R36ujlSKir6SSDUQV1x/LvlXhsa2qls=
[04-30 18:02:18.398 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 6 (system_ext) on device /dev/block/dm-4
[04-30 18:02:18.958 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of system_ext: mDu7DrXZ1m0MFRxmlnqeMnhXXNhN4c7IvR19wt3Q+8s=
[04-30 18:02:19.037 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 7 (vbmeta) on device /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vbmeta_a
[04-30 18:02:19.041 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of vbmeta: Vaw2IC3qLJlCX1TFuyz9BZbp7NCwNshGMYifiGFkyfY=
[04-30 18:02:19.042 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 8 (vbmeta_system) on device /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vbmeta_system_a
[04-30 18:02:19.043 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of vbmeta_system: zuKFdq5B7s6tNDMuweMlmtww6xdhvIBsycM+0kJ1gxQ=
[04-30 18:02:19.044 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hashing partition 9 (vendor) on device /dev/block/dm-5
[04-30 18:02:21.342 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Hash of vendor: wkWv0PyDVD5I9rXCXPqQBtu1HH3GpDDBBUikBzMN4rs=
[04-30 18:02:21.635 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: finished FilesystemVerifierAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[04-30 18:02:21.638 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: starting PostinstallRunnerAction
[04-30 18:02:21.641 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 18:02:21.644 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 18:02:21.645 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] system_b is mapped on device mapper: /dev/block/dm-8
[04-30 18:02:21.646 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] /dev/block/dm-8 has been mounted R/W 1 times.
[04-30 18:02:21.647 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Running backuptool scripts
[04-30 18:02:21.647 26328:26328 I/update_engine]
type=1400 audit(0.0:1690): avc: denied { entrypoint } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="overlay" ino=24288 scontext=u:r:backuptool:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
type=1400 audit(0.0:1691): avc: denied { use } for path="/data/misc/update_engine_log/update_engine.20230430-164222" dev="dm-11" ino=243820 scontext=u:r:backuptool:s0 tcontext=u:r:update_engine:s0 tclass=fd permissive=1

type=1400 audit(0.0:1692): avc: denied { write } for path="/data/misc/update_engine_log/update_engine.20230430-164222" dev="dm-11" ino=243820 scontext=u:r:backuptool:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:update_engine_log_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1

[04-30 18:02:22.053 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Performing postinst (system/bin/otapreopt_script at /postinstall/system/bin/otapreopt_script) installed on device /dev/block/dm-3 and mountable device /dev/block/dm-3
core: update_engine: sending ioctl 125d to DM device without required privilege.

[04-30 18:02:22.056 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Format file for new system/bin/otapreopt_script is: data
[04-30 18:09:41.639 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Subprocess output:
[04-30 18:09:41.648 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor
[04-30 18:09:41.651 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super
[04-30 18:09:41.652 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] vendor_b is mapped on device mapper: /dev/block/dm-10
[04-30 18:09:41.653 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] /dev/block/dm-10 has been mounted R/W 0 times.
[04-30 18:09:41.654 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skipping backuptool scripts
[04-30 18:09:41.655 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Not a mountpoint: /postinstall
[04-30 18:09:41.657 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Performing postinst (bin/checkpoint_gc at /postinstall/bin/checkpoint_gc) installed on device /dev/block/dm-5 and mountable device /dev/block/dm-5
[04-30 18:09:41.659 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Format file for new bin/checkpoint_gc is: data
[04-30 18:09:41.701 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Subprocess output:
[04-30 18:09:41.704 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip FinishedSnapshotWrites() because /metadata is not mounted
[04-30 18:09:41.720 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] All post-install commands succeeded
[04-30 18:09:41.722 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] ActionProcessor: finished last action PostinstallRunnerAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[04-30 18:09:41.723 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Processing Done.
[04-30 18:09:41.725 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Update successfully applied, waiting to reboot.
[04-30 18:09:41.726 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Destroying [odm_a, product_a, system_a, system_ext_a, vendor_a] from device mapper
[04-30 18:09:41.735 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition odm_a
[04-30 18:09:41.737 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(odm_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 18:09:41.738 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped odm_a from device mapper.
[04-30 18:09:41.751 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition product_a
[04-30 18:09:41.753 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(product_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 18:09:41.755 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped product_a from device mapper.
[04-30 18:09:41.763 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition system_a
[04-30 18:09:41.765 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(system_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 18:09:41.766 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped system_a from device mapper.
[04-30 18:09:41.780 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition system_ext_a
[04-30 18:09:41.782 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(system_ext_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 18:09:41.783 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped system_ext_a from device mapper.
[04-30 18:09:41.791 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition vendor_a
[04-30 18:09:41.793 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Skip UnmapUpdateSnapshot(vendor_a) because metadata is not mounted
[04-30 18:09:41.794 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Successfully unmapped vendor_a from device mapper.
[04-30 18:09:41.800 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Current update attempt downloads 1225 bytes data
[04-30 18:09:41.804 1294:1294 I/update_engine]
[] Updated Marker = 1/1/1970 1:12:04 GMT

I use 1.10 for more than a week now. For the case that it hasnā€™t been said before: I would like to report increased accu consumption. While my FP3 had normally more than two days with 1.7 I have now normally less than two days on 1.10. And I still use the same apps in the same manner. (OK, Android change from 11 to 12 included during this period.)

Fairphone 3, OTA.

OK for GPS, GSM, wifi, all my daily apps, generally open source, including Shelter, Netguard, things as complex as Fairemail with 10 accounts or Transportr

OK for all the ā€˜private appsā€™ I use (through Shelter) including Nextcloud, banking, Readerware, closed train/bus/metro apps with GPS (RATP, TissĆ©o, SNCFā€¦) with the striking but single exception of Citymapper that indeed never worked in the previous versions too.

A week on with 1.10, and I can also confirm drastically reduced battery life with no change in usage pattern on the Pixel 5.

  • Vendor Name: fairphone
  • Device name: FP3
  • Device CodeName: FP3
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 1.9. (last version provided via updater)
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: bootloader locked

Cannot connect Garmin Instinct via Bluetooth to Garmin Connect after update. When you start pairing, the process seems to get stuck after entering the code. Resetting the connections, restarting both devices and updating the Garmin app was unsuccessful. The app also states that the sync failed.It always worked well until the update to version 1.10. The device does not show up in the Bluetooth device list.

After updating to eos 1.10 Iā€™m not able to connect to my Garmin Instinct via Bluetooth. The pairing process seems to stuck after entering the code. The device does not show up in the bluetooth device list and the Garmin Connect app reports that the process failed. Restarting both devices, resetting the network connections and updating the Garmin app has no effect. The bug was also reported in the e1.10 feedbacks:

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I had the same problem with Notes on my Samsung Galaxy S5 with Notes. To solve the synchronization problem, try to empty both the storage space and the cache of Notes. It worked for me. WARNING : you may lose unsynchronized notes on the phone.

1 Like

Model : Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE international
Code name : klte
Update : 1.10-S-dev via OTA

Notes canā€™t synchronize notes modified outside the phone (down sync. problem). Up synchro (phone to the cloud) is ok. Problem solved by clearing Notes storage.

Camera doesnā€™t crash anymore (crash appeared with 1.9).

Thanks for the hard work

1 Like
Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3+
Device CodeName: 
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously:  /e/OS 1.9
Not rooted

I updated my phone from 1.9 to 1.10-s-20230413279105 about 2 weeks ago and it went very smoothly.
The only issue I noticed since then is the GPS not being able to locate the phone properly (1-5 km away from my actual location) even after 1h. I am using OSMAnd and GPSTest: same results.

Did you check if the ā€œfake locationā€ feature of Advanced Privacy is enabled or not after the update (and recommended reboot(s)) ?

Fairphone | FP3+ | FP3 | v 1.10-s-20230412278810-stable-FP3

Runs good sofar.
Only issue I found was, that the screen to enter the PIN to unlock does not open constantly on the same kind of upswipe and does not always have the same size of buttons. Sometimes I have to swipe straight up nearly to the top of the screen, sometimes a casual swipe is enough.
Also the buttons sometimes are oval and cover the lower half of the screen (comfortable) and sometimes are round and far apart so they cover the lower 3/4 of the screen (less comfortable).
Also was the case in the previous build.

Otherwise i havenā€™t found any problems in my boring daily use.

1 Like

Hi, thanks for the hint: yes I checked it (it was off) and tried setting on and off again. I also did all the necessary reboots (as far as I know).
Could this be a hardware issue and how could I check iry? It was working fine, although a bit slow, with the v1.9