Feedback for v1.12.3


vendor name: Fairphone
device name: FP3+
OS-Version: 1.12.3-s-20230616300623-dev-FP3

I did a fresh install and most of the things seem to be working fine…
But I have a obvious battery drain problem, that shortens battery life a lot compared to 1.11-r-stable I was running before.
In Settings → Battery it showed that the Mail App was using 137% of battery, followed by Android System. Mail is just receiving in the backgroud (3 mail accounts), sometimes reading a bit, but no different usage than before on 1.11-R

Update: I also use murena cloud and saw that it uploaded my Music folder, which had a couple of GB, but not sure what this has to do with the mail app. Where can I uncheck the upload of music into cloud ?

Update2: Seems that music sync cannot be independently switched off. Can I control what backs up/syncs to Murena account - #9 by ywo4d
I will monitor battery usage, without massive cloud syncs in the backgroud.