OK for my Pixel5 (purchased in /e/-shop) not rooted. It was upgraded with 1.19.1-t stable release (updated from 1.18 to 1.19.1 (1.19.1-t-20240109372021-stable-redfin) - e_redfin-user 13 TQ3A.230901.001 eng.root.20240109.185942 dev-keys).
As for previous releases, all functions seems to be OK except the #citymapper app which is generally freezed (no map and/or functions) when I opened it (same pbm as with previous releases from 1.15).
The camera pbm (described here or there ) is still here : when I take a picture with lens1 the final picture is blurry when I’m not in “auto” mode. It never append when I received my phone from Murena.