Feedback for v1.21

Did /e/OS 1.21 introduce this issue to your phone, was it working before?

How do you see that the internet connection breaks?
(Since 2G internet speed is very slow many internet services nowadays would seem dead or even report connection issues on 2G internet, in which case the solution would be enabling VoLTE - Voice over LTE - if supported by the phone + the mobile network provider + the individual mobile network plan with the provider.)

Do you use 2 SIM cards perhaps?
(In which case the internet has references to this issue when SIM 1 does internet but SIM 2 takes a call.)

My battery seems to drain faster than before as well on my FP3+.

On another topic, the issue with Bluetooth controls (skip, prev, etc.) from a headset seems to be fixed. Same for the media player being stuck on an old music with Spotify. And that’s great! Thanks

Ma batterie se vide plus rapidemment également, j’ai l’impression.

Autrement, le probléme de controle Bluetooth semble corrigé, ainsi que le lecteur media qui restait bloqué sans afficher la chanson courante avec Spotify. Et ca c’est super cool!

Hello AnotherElk,
I can’t tell you whether this was also the case in the earlier versions. I noticed it yesterday because I was on the phone with my wife and wanted to look something up on the internet at the same time.
Didn’t have an LTE connection.
Only when we hung up did the phone connect automatically.
e/OS Volte doesn’t work with Samsung and I only have one SIM card in the phone.


Samsung phones don’t have support for VoLTE on custom ROMs (I understood their system is proprietary) so you won’t have internet and phone call in the same time on 4G networks.

Also, it freezes when you try to record a video. However, I have installed Aperture (the default camera app of LineageOS) and it works perfectly.

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Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Mi10T
Device CodeName: Apollon
Version of /e/OS: 1.20 → 1.21
Rooted: yes


  • I’m having microphone issues with phone app, SayHi, Google Translate. Input is low / silent on teams app.
  • App “DAK” now recognizes a custom rom (worked with 1.20)
  • most banking apps work but need magisk enforced denylist (magisk 27.0 / same as with 1.20), although my mobile payment (‘mobiles bezahlen’ / Sparkasse does not work anymore)
  • as before some apps can not check license from PlayStore (e.g. PowerAmp, MacroDroid, TitaniumBackup), although MicroG is set to do so.
  • Google Fit can not login, although accounts are configurated within MicroG


Feels like a small downgrade in terms of usability. Battery life seems to profit from some apps not running anymore ( :smiley: ).

same here. No updates available for me :thinking:

  • Vendor Name: Sony
  • Device name: Xperia XA2
  • Device CodeName: pioneer
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 1.19.1-s
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: I think yes

Please add the following details
Vendor Name Motorola
Device name moto G42
Device CodeName hawao
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously:
Stock android, 1st upgrade to A13
Is the device Rooted/ Not rooted

Sofar everything works properly. Tested Wifi, 4G calling & sms & internet, signal and f-droid.

As can be seen here … … you are running the last Android 12 (S) dev build for pioneer.
Android 13 (T) dev is available.

Upgrading dev to a newer underlying Android version means installing a newer build manually, remember to backup your important stuff on the phone to somewhere safe beforehand …


Thanks a lot for the explanation !

  • S7 EDGE
  • SM-G935F
  • 1.20
  • Not rooted

Thank you for this update.

All seems ok except Magic Earth since 1.20. The localisation works but as I start moving it doesn’t follow me and freezes at the starting point. I disabled Advanced Privacy and still doesn’t work.
The gps is Ok, I tried Waze instead and it works well.

Thank you!

Vendor Name : Google
Device name : Pixel 5
Device CodeName : redfin
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously :  N/A (fresh install using EasyInstaller)
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

Installation using EasyInstaller was flawless after manually downgrading from the stock Android 14 to 13 beforehand. Also the general user experience is pretty solid and smooth.

Battery life, however, seems noticeably shorter compared to stock Android. Fwiw, had an FP3 before running eOs 1.20 and pretty much the same apps that also lasted much longer despite its smaller battery.

Not rooted
OTA installation went fine. Previous update fixed SIM PIN delay problem, but it came back with this update. Screen freezes for half a minute, when trying to key SIM PIN. Screen frezees now occasionally also when browsing internet with Firefox or default browser.

Update after a few days:

  • I set up the shortcuts on the lock screen, the single tap is detected and the warning saying to press and hold shows. But press and hold does nothing
  • I am on a dual sim set up, SIM1 Irish number, SIM2 French number. If I have VoLTE activated on my Irish SIM (main one), incoming calls show as ‘Unknown’ systematically. If I disable VoLTE, no issue. I’ll try with 1 SIM only, swapping SIMs, etc and edit with results. VoLTE was always activated, this happens since the 1.21 update.

Thank you

EDIT: nothing changes after swapping tests. However, I noticed the same issue happen with WiFi calling on. When on, the VoLTE icon appears (normal?) in the status bar and issue is back.

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Hi. :bowing_woman:

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3+
Device CodeName: FP3
Previously: (1.19.1-s →) 1.20-s → 1.21-t
  (no extra reboot between the two updates,
  just the forced post-installation reboot; perhaps that was risky?)
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Whichever is the default when buying an FP3+ from /e/.


  • Could not find 1.21 from 1.19.1 without going through 1.20 first, but maybe normal.
  • I think that when applying the Andro11→12 update there was a warning saying to back up data because that was risky. I saw no such warning for 12→13, but again, perhaps that was intended.
  • I’m still paranoid and set Caffeine to “Infinity” when updating, because the only time I didn’t, I got a download error nearly as soon as the screen went off. :woman_shrugging:

Visual glitch

When swiping twice down from the top to display the menu with all the toggles (dunno if there’s a name for that), the top area often remains completely black for a while. This lasts for 0.5–12 s. It varies greatly; perhaps it is simply re-drawn when something, like the quality of the network signal, changes? Otherwise, touching it triggers a tiny animation which re-draws the whole area as well.

Edit: This seems to be linked to the fact that I use the “Remove animations” accessibility feature in the system settings. If I reactivate animations, it seems to works better (tons of refreshes as the clock and stuff gradually scales up).

Sometimes it displays a part of the clock (a random-ish rectangular portion starting from its top, I think) for that while. Trying to take a screenshot of it triggers an UI refresh or whatever, so I can’t show it for real, haha, but here are acceptable simulations:

VLC seeing no non-directory file at all

I initially thought that my SD card (just storage, no apps installed on it) was unreadable (like Feedback for v1.21 - #80 by Asperamanca), but then noticed it was just VLC having issues, and not just with the card – also with the internal storage. The issue looked vaguely similar to VLC not scanning for media files on FP3 – VLC could find directories, but pretended every single one was empty (except for subdirectories, which were listed too).

Click to expand details
  • Clearing VLC’s cache and rebuilding the media database did nothing (well, anyway, even its “browse” mode could find no non-directory files).
  • It was still possible to tell VLC to open some media by using “Open with…” in the OS’ file browser, but it did so via an ugly file descriptor (fd://80 or something) and this did not display metadata such as the artist’s name and so on.
  • I ended up removing all VLC data and uninstalling-reinstalling the app.
  • For some reason, the newly reinstalled VLC lists the SD card twice in the “Select directories to include in the media library” menu (maybe it was always the case and I don’t remember? That not a menu I open every day…): one looks like a messed up version, while the other works better:

  • After the initial VLC setup (during which I gave it the “All files access permission”, see below) and the first media scan, the album cover arts were not displayed, which seemed fishy, so I tried to play a track to check and I got this:


  • I exited VLC, launched it again, and it started working properly this time (but the SD card still appears twice in the preferences).
Potential reason? – Click for more details

I wonder if it’s related to the “Access all files” permission. This permission, I think, appeared when going from Android 11 to 12, and VLC asked me if I wanted to give it to it. I may have refused at the time (honestly don’t remember). Now I gave it to it, just in case.

(NB: It does not appear in the “normal” list of permissions in the system settings, you have to explicitly look for “All files access” in “Special app access”.)

… Yep, if I remove that permission, I get “Media cannot be played” errors, and those go away if I give back the permission.
Kinda scary, due to the “app may access files without your explicit knowledge” warning. And to the fact that this is not even the default setting in VLC, I think (but it seems to be in the default /e/ Music app). I can live with it, but that’s weird.

Fortunately, I have yet to come across anything similar in other apps. Aves Libre, for example, can still read my images, both on phone and SD. :woman_shrugging:

Well, I guess things could have been way worse with yet another Android upgrade. Thanks, everyone.
Will report if anything else occurs (installed just a few hours ago).

I had the same issue with VLC on my FP3+ and too fixed it by giving all files access.

Files access permission doesn’t appear to be available within the permissions setting for VLC within Apps.

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Moto G5 cedric
Version 1.21r

No WLAN anymore!
Show stopper.

After update wlan can not be enabled anymore.

I suggest that uses REAL DEVICES for basic quality control before shipping updates.

I am sure that some users donate real devices for quality control if quality control takes place.

Have a checklist that basic things like
GPS, WLAN, a gsm phone call, listening to music, operating touch screen, USB keyboard, mouse
etc are tested before shipping an update.

It is unfortunate that it takes place. The reality is that /e/ is looking for maintainers as few devices have a dedicated individual monitoring releases. Thank God that lineage bug fixes come downstream.

in the meantime, here might be a workaround with adb

  • Vendor Name: Fairphone
  • Device name: Fairphone 3+
  • Device CodeName: FP3+
  • Current version of /e/OS: 1.21-t-20240323388918-stable-FP3
  • Previous version of /e/OS: 1.20
  • Device Rooted: no

After a week and a half of using v1.21 on my FP3+, I have to say that I didn’t find any good in this upgrade. I do not have the option for 4G anymore (just LTE & 3G options); I cannot change the brightness sliding the finger on the top of the screen; and I cannot make videos anymore, the phone starts recording and it blocks, and if you save the video just the sound is working; when opening and trying to find any app on App Lounge I get a constant message telling me that the anonymous account is not available and that I should refresh, but when I do, it appears again, making it impossible to search for apps. And, overall, I feel the phone slower than on v1.20.

These are things that were perfectly working on v1.20… but I also didn’t read any of these problems on other FP3 users…