Feedback for v2.0

Hi all,

I haven’t seen any specific post in regards of this regression, so it take the opportunity to make it. @Manoj, fell free to move / close / forward this post if necessary, or had a GitLab link.

After upgrading to v2.0, my screen was set to grid 4x6 instead of the previous 4x5. As a result, all my app icons were remove from the screen.

When trying to restore them via “the swape up to app list”, it appears this function is not working anymore. No settings in the parameter seems able to set " move to app list" for the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

I tried to change from 3 buttons navigation to 2 buttons navigation or gesture navigation ; nothing has made this function working

I’m using a FP3.

Thanks all for your future feedback

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Well reinstalled the apps, only LibreAV with a 1 against it. Discovered the issue is that it relates to apps running in the background as potential battery drainers. Found three others too. Stopped all of them but not sure if this reduces security. When I reinstalled one of the apps from F-Droid (can’t remember which), an app I had not chosen to install got installed which I removed, “Exploding Blocks” (Tetris clone guessing by the icon.)


is there working wifi and touch with motorola G5 cedric?
Last update to 1.21 rendered moto g5 useless as wifi was not operative anymore due to missibg config files.

Has there been a check on this issue before building 2.0? for cedric?

Don’t want to brick it again.

Vendor Name: Murena
Device name: FP5
Device CodeName: FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: e/OS 1.21-t-2024 stable
The device is not rooted

Yesterday the update to V2 was there, installed today. So far no problems with the installation.
Icons for camera etc. have changed, the favicons can be seen again in the reading list.
One of my purchased apps from the Playstore can now be used as purchased, good job.
Btw. using Nova Launcher instead of BlissLauncher without problems.

Thank you for the good work and all the best for the future :+1:

  • Fairphone
  • FP4
  • FP4
  • I don’t know the previous version, but it was the last on available
  • NOT rooted

First of all, thanks for your work !
I see the Fairphone 4 is still on Android 12 and not 13 ?
I also see some people can have the home screen in landscape mode but it is not working with my phone (maybe because it is still on Android 12 ?)

I’ve noticed 2 bugs :
1. Grid icon messing up all icons : When I change the icon grid on the settings it messes all the icons up. All folder are unpacked and icons are randomly rearanged. I have quite a lot of apps so it will take some time to rearange them.
2. Wallpaper gallery not consistant : The wallpaper galery has this strange bug, some thumbnails don’t reflect the wallpapart. What I mean is that when you are on the wallpapaer galery, when you touch some thumbnails you see then a different image. See image below :

Also what is live wallpaper ? On the notes version I see that we shoud be able to set live wallpaper but there is nothing like it on my settings.



Please make sure … [HOWTO] Give complete /e/OS version info easily for support, answers, comparison etc

2.0-t-20240506399547-stable-FP3 (added in original post)

But as I said, I am not sure the update was fully completed…

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Ok, mais il semble qu’on reste dans l’appli camera sans proposition pour exploiter le qr-code …
I stay in camera … How use directly qr-code after ?

Teracube 2e / e-os 2 / android 12

e_emerald-user 12 SQ3A.220705.004 eng.root.20240506.201533

Hello all, by me it worked well

  • Samsung
  • galaxy s10+
  • beyond2lte
  • Previous Version of /e/OS 1.21

I have some minor Problems or things that I don’t understand.

  1. the picture background covers all the screens pages. as good as the widget one.
    By me the background picture is with my son, and it’s covered from the widgets. I’d like to change so that the widget not cover it, or apply like it was before the v2.0. Cool would be to make the background by widget separately.
  2. I saw in the changelog that there is a pdf reader by default apps?
    how is the icon? where can I find it? or activate it?
  3. I the Gael told in his topic about v2 new features, talked about later parent control app. Your 2024 journey with /e/OS and Murena (and a V2!)
    Is there some road map known already?
  4. Currently I face sometimes on some handling lags by tapping on home icon here under by 3 buttons the rounded one. Sometimes the system not reacts

Google Pixel 5
No root

Everything runs smoothly.

Thanks. I will find and watch the video on Newpipe.

Si mais c’est un peu caché. Touche le bouton vidéo pour faire apparaître l’option QR Code. J’avoue que c’est pas super intuitif.

testé avec une url, l’appli montre l’url qui est cliquable et s’ouvre dans le navigateur, ainsi que deux boutons, un de partage, un pour copier coller.

Tried it with an url, the app displays the url which opens on click and two buttons (share, copy paste)

Vendor Name: Google
Device name: Pixel 4 XL
Device CodeName: Coral
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.0-s-20240506399550-stable-coral
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: it was before the update

after installing the update via OTA, the recents screen stopped being called, as well as the “navigation in the system” item, which is why I always have gestures enabled without the ability to switch to buttons.

Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Mi11 Lite 5G NE
Device CodeName: lisa
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 1.21
The device is Not rooted

OTA update. ATM not any problem. UI seems faster than with previous version.
VOLTE icon as gone. I read the release notes. I really don’t understand how many users could be “confused” by a small icon.

IMHO we need the “standard” VoLTE icon that exists on other LineageOS based systems (a small icon with “VoLTE” text in it). Simple. Clear. Efficient to confirm that VoLTE is OK. Please think about it.

From my experience since mjpdf is default in eOS there is no icon on the homescreen anymore but pdf-files open by default in that app once you open them and no other reader is set. You find the app in system settings → apps though.

It is always a bit tricky if you are travelling internationally and all details are only on the phone. However, living dangerously I upgraded and … No problem whatsoever. Now on Eurostar…

No clue what the previous version was.

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The whole name+concept is a bit … I don’t know how to say… I don’t really get it.
No app will ever look at that display and think “wait, what am I doing here? I am wrong, I should maybe change for the better and utilize less trackers next version…” (irony off again)

Yet still I understand where the idea is coming from. Users can decide for other apps instead once the summed up apps activity is right in their face…

Whereas I’d say including the browser is sort of a category error in that concept. Yes, surely there are browsers with trackers - but the browser (incl. webview I guess? Or will webview count for the app that uses it?) will mostly appear on the WoS for the websites that were visited an not for the app itself… (given the browser in use has no built in tracker blocking function).

For the Language: WoS isn’t translated to German either, I presume it is meant to be more like a brand or something (can’t think of a better word right now).

Edit: True: needs to be updated to reflect “wall of shame”.

The vertical distance of the symbols got smaller. So, I would have an additional row for symbols now.

What I appreciate about the new Bliss launcher: It is now possible to arrange the symbols within folders as well. That’s a wonderful addition! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the development of /e/OS and that you keep going for us!

Update: this morning it started working fine again