Feedback for v2.0

Vendor Name: Goodle
Device name: Pixel 4a
Device CodeName: sunfish
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: v1.21-r-20240323388914-stable-sunfish
Is the device Rooted: no

I am not able to update to v2.0

I have downloaded the update from the “Settings > System updates” multiple time. I rebooted the phone and it does not matter what I choose in the fastboot:

  • start
  • Recovery
    I always end up in the old v1.21.

System > About phone > Android 11

I added multiple screenshots to show the problem, but can not add them to the post as I get the following error: “An error occurred: Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.”

So here are the steps which i have gone through multiple times already:

  • I apply the update from “System > System updates”
  • reboot the phone after installation
  • get in fastboot: it does not matter if i choose: “start” | “recovery mode” I alway land in the same /e/os v1.21 as before the update

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?



I did not do a manual update to 2.0. I couldn’t even get the 2.0 recovery working, it would only ever boot to Fastboot. So I flashed the previous known working version, which in my case is 1.21.

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Sadly, same behavior for me (for above specs).

Based on this:

and given the number of people with same experience, I guess raising an issue on GitLab would be the next step. (But since I’m rather new to this community, I’m not sure. Please correct me if I’m wrong.)

Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Mi10T
Device CodeName: Apollon
Version of /e/OS: 1.21 → 2.0
Rooted: yes

update itself went smooth. Generell improvements recognized. Earlier problems that showed up with 1.21 still remain (feedback-for-v1-21):

  • microphone issues on several apps (e.g. phone, whatsapp, sayhi), often calls work in loudspeaker mode. No issues with bluetooth devices.
  • still some licensing problems with apps
  • still some apps recognizing custom rom, therefore not working

Good idea, I added a comment here:

It seems the problem is the same for 4a and 4a 5G

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Thanks (can’t comment yet; have requested an account)!

Additional data point: from this thread it sounds like sunfish on dev/T updates without problems. (Unsure if this applies to bramble as well. Would love to test if I can reproduce on my sunfish but the upgrade path description here is a bit too fuzzy for me.) I’ve had a glance at adb logcat during the update but haven’t spotted anything that seemed particularly helpful (to my untrained eye). Are there any other places I should/could look at?

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Thanks for the tip aibd, unfortunately it doesn’t change anything. I think it is the app itself. Since the new App-version on /e/os V1.19 the AppLounge stays black on multiple Fairphones. When I use Wifi it works it’s only with USB-C-Lan Adaptor (witch I need to use).

I have use the command line, the Easy-Installer not working for me. And the Update to Version 2.0 I have use the Updater App in /e/OS

I’ve tried to install v2 with both command line and easyinstaller, both failed.
On command line, after flashing the rom over recovery, I get “Total xfer: 1.00x”, but when I try to boot the phone is going back after a while on fastboot.
(I already hat v1 on it, so I can imagine it’s a v2 issue ?)

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I had a weird situation overnight… went to sleep with the battery at around 85% and when I woke up it was hanging by a thread at 2%. When reviewing battery life, it said 8.5 hours screen on time. When I was asleep… wtf? I thought maybe the screen was keeping itself alive but I tried that just now and it will just go black after the timeout (as it should).

Yes, unfortunatly I have to confirm:
same problem with Pixel 4a 5G

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In general, the battery drain seems to be a LOT higher right now than before the update. I’m rebooting now to see if that helps any, but it will drain contiuously AS IF the screen was on all the time, even though it isn’t.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: /e/OS 1.21-t-20240324389105-dev-FP3
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

No issue with updating, now on 2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-FP3.

The following things work for me:

  • Call / be called
  • Send SMS / receive SMS
  • Notification LED
  • Alarm
  • Internet via Wi-Fi
  • Internet via mobile network
  • Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Location
    • Settings - System - microG - Self-Check: all ok, including location permissions
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Request from Mozilla: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Request from Hotspot: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Remember from GPS: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Mobile network location - Request from Mozilla: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Mobile network location - Remember from GPS: enabled
    • Settings - Advanced Privacy - Location: Exposed
    • Settings - Advanced Privacy - Manage my location: Use my real location
    • Settings - Location - Use assisted GPS: enabled (seems new to me)
    • Settings - Location - Location Services - Wi-Fi scanning: enabled
    • Settings - Location - Location Services - Bluetooth scanning: disabled
    • Settings - Location - App location permissions - “Allowed only while in use”: Apps are listed
  • Compass
  • Screenshot
  • Main camera (original FP3 Camera module, not +) photo + video
  • Selfie camera (original FP3 Top module, not +) photo + video
  • USB connection to PC / MTP
  • MyPhoneExplorer 2.1
  • Bluetooth (music playback, data connection)
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Perhaps for the last time on /e/OS (need to get more current security updates link or retire the phone) …

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 2
Device CodeName: FP2
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: /e/OS 1.21-r-20240323388943-dev-FP2
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

No issue with updating, now on 2.0-r-20240509400072-dev-FP2.

The following things work for me:

  • Call / be called
  • Send SMS / receive SMS
  • Alarm
  • Internet via Wi-Fi
  • Internet via mobile network
  • Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Location
    • Settings - System - Advanced - microG - Self-Check: all ok, including location permissions
    • Settings - System - Advanced - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Request from Mozilla: enabled
    • Settings - System - Advanced - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Request from Hotspot: enabled
    • Settings - System - Advanced - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Remember from GPS: enabled
    • Settings - System - Advanced - microG - Location - Mobile network location - Request from Mozilla: enabled
    • Settings - System - Advanced - microG - Location - Mobile network location - Remember from GPS: enabled
    • Settings - Advanced Privacy - Location: Exposed
    • Settings - Advanced Privacy - Manage my location: Use my real location
    • Settings - Location - Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning - Wi-Fi scanning: enabled
    • Settings - Location - Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning - Bluetooth scanning: disabled
    • Settings - Location - App access to location - “Allowed only while in use”: Apps are listed
  • Compass
  • Screenshot
  • Main camera (Camera module 12 MP version 2) photo + video
  • Selfie camera (Top module version 2) photo + video
    (Camera records completely black video from the moment surrounding light is too dark or changes into too dark when moving … years old issue I already had with Open Camera on LineageOS, can live with it.)
  • USB connection to PC / MTP
  • MyPhoneExplorer 2.1
  • Bluetooth (music playback, data connection)

Thanks to /e/OS for sticking with the Fairphone 2 for so long!


Moto G7 river users we have a fix for the issue. We have tested it on only one tester device and it works. It is available on the test channel. If you want to test it, then you would have to move to the test channel. Alternately, you can wait for its release with v2.1

I found that by entering settings in camera app selecting “more camera controls…” - > “Show camera when locked” and enabling this solved the issue with camera not opening with double tap of power button from lock screen. From my FP3+

Yeah, they added that a couple of versions ago. That option, making double tap open camera is default now with 2.0

Users on certain devices have reported issues upgrading to v2.0. The team is checking on this.

Requesting users of such devices that are not upgrading to v2.0 to

  • enable Rooted Debugging in Developer settings and

run this command from a PC console

adb root

adb pull /cache/recovery/last_log


extract logs just after the reboot for the update with

adb logcat >/tmp/log

Attach the log files to this issue, mentioning the device codename and any other details you think can help


Vendor: Fairphone
Device name: FP3/FP3+
Devide CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/ OS: 2.0-t-20240506399547-stable-FP3
Not Rooted

When connecting to the internet using Ethernet via a LAN cable, and switching off WIFI and Mobile data, the App Lounge says:
“Can’t connect! Please check your internet connection and try again”.

All other apps I have tested do work well, including the browsers and Mail. The Ethernet connection is fine.
I have tried to erase the storage of the App Lounge, removed all advanced privacy protections and restarted the phone, but when opening the App Lounge, it keeps showing this error message without even getting me to accept the privacy policy.

When I enable Mobile data, the App lounge works normally.

It would be great to be able to use the App Lounge with Ethernet.

Thank you very much for your great work.

@Manoj You mean ‘rooted debugging’ in the developer settings? Or…?

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