Feedback for v2.0

S5e Tab / SM-T720

Updated from gtls4lvwifi to V2 with not problem!
However, I have the same issue that ne20002 has, with the shifted screen. Also, the main screen with all the apps is also shifted left, as well. In addition, I can no longer run Decreet Launched as my home app. I get a notification that Bliss Launcher “keeps closing”, (over and over). Bliss Launcher after V2 update is v3.0.1-beta. Everything else appears to work at this point.

What about GPS?

I think should ship with
f-droid as application store.

Fossify tools:

This tool hides your contacts from Android and you can dial them with the phone app.
Fossify Contacts (Manage your contacts privately and efficiently with vCard support)

The navigation shipped was rubbish im my eyes.

Thanks for testing!



Please try Settings > Apps and notifications > See all … apps > BlissLauncher > Storage & cache > Clear storage

FairPhone FP5,
Stok OS,
Fairly smooth, but as a non developer it took a little while to figure our that you should redo the adb reboot process several times. Do you have to setup the phone every time?

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : FP5
Device CodeName : FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : Clean reimage from 1.21
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : No

Interesting note about my previous issues:

Since I did a clean re-image of my device with the latest 2.0 image, both my issues (random crash to Murena logo, unresponsive “recent apps” view) did not occur. The only difference for now is that I did not create my work secondary account, at least for now. I managed to get to 100h+ of uptime without those bugs, previously I only got to 24-48h, so it seems a good omen.

Unfortunately I got a crash with complete phone reboot last night (to SIM unlock, so not the usual crash mentioned earlier), so I’ll keep my phone as is until I cross the week-long uptime mark without bug. Then I’ll create the secondary account to check if it is a possible trigger.

Device: g32
Device codename: devon
Previous version: Android 13
Device is not rooted no

I installed eOS v2 after unlocking the bootloader and following the instructions on the e community website.

Mostly working fine.

I also tried installing eOS v2 on a moto g7 river but it failed so I think the issue is specific to that particular build for the moto g7.

Yep that is true:

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Hi Mihi,

That’s great and thank you for the update!

The comment was update, maybe you can offer help.

I can test an updated build when it gets released for motog7 river.

Vendor: Murena Teracube
Device name: 2e
Device CodeName: emerald
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously; v1.21.1-s
Device is not rooted

Upgrade went smoothly. No Issues.

Vendor: Gigaset
Device name: GS290
Device CodeName: GS290
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: IMG-e-1.21.1-s-20240326389527-stable-GS290
Device is not rooted

Upgrade to e-2.0-s-20240514401452-stable-GS290 went smoothly. First reaction after seeing the home screen: “Nice!”.

Now, some questions (that might already have been answered, apologies …) :

  • is it possible to remove the “Suggestions” widget?
  • is it possible to remove the “Search” widget?

Thank you. A lot of other questions may come in the future …

Galaxy S5
/e/OS e-1.20-r-20240221382014-dev-klte >>> /e/OS e-2.0-r-20240509400072-dev-klte
Not rooted

Update without problems.


Samsung tablet
e/Os version 2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-gts4lvwifi
Notitie rooten

After installing I can’t choose for another launcher.
If I do so the Bliss launcher keeps flickering and I can’t stop it.

. Vendor Name : Gigaset
. Device name : Gigaset 290
. Device CodeName : GS290
. Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : 1.21-S Stable
. Not rooted

It’s my daughter’s device.
Update to 2.0 was perfectly smooth. No issue at all until now.

Many thanks to the development team! :wink:

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  • Fairphone
  • FP4
  • FP4
  • 1.21.1-s20240325389527

Not sure if I should start a separate thread, but the update I can see says
“/e/OS 2.0
6 May 2024”

Given that this was released 5 days ago, is that correct?


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the GPS is OK too. Better than with the v1.21!
Maybe v2.0 better than v1.20?
Good tests.

6 May is the build day, after that it was tested and then released

  • Vendor Name : Fairphone
  • Device name : Fairphone 4 5G
  • Device CodeName : FP4
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : 1.21-s
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not Rooted

No issues so far !

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Unfortunately, following the crash to SIM unlock, the random reboot issue came back. No trace of the recent app view bug for now.