Feedback for v2.0

Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Mi11 Lite 5G NE
Device CodeName: lisa
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 1.21
The device is Not rooted

OTA update. ATM not any problem. UI seems faster than with previous version.
VOLTE icon as gone. I read the release notes. I really don’t understand how many users could be “confused” by a small icon.

IMHO we need the “standard” VoLTE icon that exists on other LineageOS based systems (a small icon with “VoLTE” text in it). Simple. Clear. Efficient to confirm that VoLTE is OK. Please think about it.

From my experience since mjpdf is default in eOS there is no icon on the homescreen anymore but pdf-files open by default in that app once you open them and no other reader is set. You find the app in system settings → apps though.

It is always a bit tricky if you are travelling internationally and all details are only on the phone. However, living dangerously I upgraded and … No problem whatsoever. Now on Eurostar…

No clue what the previous version was.

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The whole name+concept is a bit … I don’t know how to say… I don’t really get it.
No app will ever look at that display and think “wait, what am I doing here? I am wrong, I should maybe change for the better and utilize less trackers next version…” (irony off again)

Yet still I understand where the idea is coming from. Users can decide for other apps instead once the summed up apps activity is right in their face…

Whereas I’d say including the browser is sort of a category error in that concept. Yes, surely there are browsers with trackers - but the browser (incl. webview I guess? Or will webview count for the app that uses it?) will mostly appear on the WoS for the websites that were visited an not for the app itself… (given the browser in use has no built in tracker blocking function).

For the Language: WoS isn’t translated to German either, I presume it is meant to be more like a brand or something (can’t think of a better word right now).

Edit: True: needs to be updated to reflect “wall of shame”.

The vertical distance of the symbols got smaller. So, I would have an additional row for symbols now.

What I appreciate about the new Bliss launcher: It is now possible to arrange the symbols within folders as well. That’s a wonderful addition! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the development of /e/OS and that you keep going for us!

Update: this morning it started working fine again

Device: fairphone
Device code: FP4
Os version: 2.0-s-20240506399550-stable-FP4

I did a fresh install when /e/ OS v2 came yesterday
All is ok except i cannot sync my mailo contacts and calendar with DAV
The connection seams to be accepted on login in the os parameters but neither the contact native app nor the calendar native app are able to detect the DAV account.
It was ok on previous os version.

The dav url are
With email adress as login

Could you help?

I know it’s only slightly hypocritical of me to run a FP5 with E/OS and at the same time refusing to play the early adopter, but has anyone tried the V2 OTA update yet on a Murena-provided install (so not a self-loaded image)? I have to rely on this device for work and family so I don’t want to risk any major issues before someone else did :slight_smile: :-).

…is dead! The square button has no more functions and we cannot change it in the settings.

Can we go back to V1.21.1 ?

Murena install stable builds on the devices they sell, so you could go to the following topic … Feedback for v2.0 … tap/click the search icon at the top of the page, enter “fp5”, select “in this topic”, check the search results … look for “stable” in the version users name as installed before the update.
It doesn’t make a difference whether stable was installed by Murena or by the user.

Additionally you could keep an eye on topics tagged fp5 (<- link).

Are you using 2 button navigation? If so, several users reported this as problematic in Feedback for v2.0, switching to 3 button navigation seems to be a workaround for the time being.

Of course. But thanks to Android rollback protection this will be a fresh install, wiping your data.
Please consult the install options for your device …

Thanks! The 3 buttons version, the usual one with android, the triangular, the round and the square button. We did not change anything (two FP4 with eOS)

I use always the 3 buttons navigation, and the square button is now dead, it has no more functions and we cannot change it in the settings, two FP4 with eOS.

Just to add: The problem with the “reboot” introduced in Version above 1.18 occured just this moment, so this problem isn’t solved yet.
It isn’t a full reboot but a short one and it is not possible to unlock the phone with biometrics till I enter the pin code.

The 3 buttons work well for Sony XZ2 Premium and now also on Samsung S9+ so it depends on the type of phone. Probably the preferred mode doesn’t work :slight_smile: Have you tried the 2-button mode? It might work…

It was not only confusing, it was also showing when I turned of VoLTE in the settings for the SIM card. So in my opinion it was a bug.

Thanks for merging my question, didn’t spot there was this topic already. It seems some FP5 users have already successfully updated… so here goes nothing. If I don’t speak to you anymore, my phone is bricked ;-).

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Sorry, but I do not have the option for a 2 button mode. I do not find such an option in my settings (at least not in the German language version).

OnePlus 7T : update failed from the phone (fastboot loop on reboot). I’m trying a new installation via easy installer, but the download is currently complicated. But it’ll do, as always!

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Yes, indeed: painfully slow download, approx. an hour…