Feedback for v2.0

Vendor Name: Murena
Device name: FP5
Device CodeName: FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: e/OS 1.21
Not Rooted

I too have the recents broken. Setting another button’s long press action to open recents doesn’t work. Changing to 2 button mode doesn’t change anything, all 3 buttons are still shown and recents is still broken.


Hmmm … Occasionally there were reports about this case, too, earlier, perhaps a forum search may lead to some fix or workaround …

Did you reboot the devices already to see whether this perhaps helps?

Already several times…

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Yes, it apparently has happened last December, and there is no real solution to it…

The funny thing is: the issue happens independently on both our FP4 (my wife’s and mine) since the installation yesterday evening of e/OS/ V2.0. So the very probable guess is, something is wrong with V2.0.

I survived!


Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 5
Device CodeName: Fairphone 5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 1.21 Stable (purchased as a Murena device)

Chose to ‘apply’ the update from the updater in the menu. It was downloading for a while, took some more time ‘prepping’ stuff and after an hour or so I could reboot. It was a painless affair and I’m now running 2.0. Sadly it didn’t fix my Murena Gallery sync yet (has been broken for a week, talking to support about it) but otherwise all seems fine.

  • edit -

i had to do an online payment via QR confirmation and this time the camera focused straight away without the nasty bug I (we?) used to have. So that’s an improvement there…

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I anyway see that the function to show the open applications is not working in general. not even with one of the other buttons when you press long.


Murena Fairphone 5
System crashes / reboots from time to time
With data loss while editing
This also happened in previos Version
Very disapointing! :frowning:

By the way: where do I find the changing from 2 to 3 button navigation??? In the German version of the system there is nothing the like.

System - Gestures - System navigation

(System - Gesten und Bewegungen - Systemsteuerung)

At least on 1.21-t-20240324389105-dev-FP3.

Danke, aber der Punkt “Systemsteuerung” fehlt eben bei mir, wie ich andernorts schon erwähnt habe. Kann das am alten fplauncher3 liegen, den wir verwenden?

P.S. Beim V1.21 auf FP4 funktionierte alles noch, nur jetzt bei der V2.0 ist der quadratische Knopf tot, gleichzeitig bei zwei FP4, unabhängig voneinander. Aber beide mit dem fplauncher3.

Ich verwende zwar auch nicht Bliss, bin aber noch nicht auf /e/OS 2.0.

fplauncher3 … also Zuletzt upgedatet 2018? Muss ja nicht sein, dass es deswegen jetzt gammlig wird … kann aber.

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Ja, genau der.

Danke, wir beobachten es mal weiter, vielleicht löst sich das auf, spätestens beim nächsten Update… :wink:

Same problem with the OTA and OnePlus 7 Pro.

Vendor Name: OnePlus
Device Name: 7Pro
Device CodeName: guacamole
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 1.21
Is the device rooted: no

I was able to see the recovery mode of /e/OS 2.0, but rebooting or anything else was not of any help. I fixed the problem by sideloading the old /e/OS version with adb sideload making sure that this “downgrade” is accepted (all my data seems to be still intact). I did not try to sideload version 2.0 again.

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I updated my FP4 to V2 today, and right after I experience the same issue.

I don’t seem to have the option to switch between 2 or 3 buttons. I can however configure the long press action for the square recents button. But once done, a long press on the recents button doesn’t work either.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS previously: 1.21 t dev
The device is: Not rooted


Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP5
Device CodeName: FP5
Version of /e/OS previously: 1.21 t dev
The device is: Not rooted

So far no major issues to report.
I’m using the 3 button interface and had a 4x6 grid configured before the update

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Thanks, so we are not alone… :wink:

Updated on FP4 today.
Download was slow, and had to restart after an error.

The installation went fine, but after the update the square recents button is not working anymore. Seems to be the exact same issue as @bjoern52: Feedback for v2.0 - #132 by AnotherElk

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I also had this issue (using Lawnchair). Even after rebooting the phone several times, it did not resolve.

Finally, shutting off the phone, taking out the battery for a minute and restarting seemed to fix the issue.

No idea how/why that worked or if that was indeed what fixed it…

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