Feedback for v2.1

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 5
Device Code Name : FP5
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t-dev
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-t-dev
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

2 things that came up

  1. For some weird reason the disable animation toggle is not respected anymore.
    Using 3 button layout and when closing an app by pressing the middle button the active app jumps to its icon. I just want it to disappear like in the previous release. This jumping back is really annoying (slow).

  2. Pairing my Fresh 'n Rebel Twins Tip is not always working.

Actually, it’s still happening after a restart. seems to be the ‘bliss launcher’. At some point, there is a pop-up if I want to close the app (or keep waiting), and once I do that, phone works as expected.

Hello folks,
my opo 8 pro stucks in a fastboot-mode loop after rebooting from v 1.21 to v 2.1 update. After several manual restarts the system runs again with v 1.21 and the update to v 2.1 is still available under settings/ system updates

Does anybody have an idea how to fix the update? Or is it necessary to use my computer for the update? I just have the deja-vu that I had this problem back then from v 0.9 to v 1.0 some time ago…

it should be both possible with or without computer from recovery if you download the file to you computer or to your device

Device name : Teracube 2E
Device Code Name : Emerald
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-s - stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-s - stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

OTA update, no problems so far.

Vendor Name: Samsung
Device name: Galaxy Tab S5e (LTE)
Device CodeName: gts4lv
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: e-1.19.1-t-20240113373116-dev-gts4lv
Version of /Recovery which existed previously: recovery-e-1.19.1-t-20240113373116-dev-gts4lv
Device is Not rooted

For the umpteenth time I experienced the identical scenario when trying to update to V2.1 with the /e/ updater: The update does not show the current build v2.1, but - in this case - only version V1.20 (1.19.1-t > 1.20). Yesterday, an OTA update attempt ended in a complete reinstallation

So I first manually installed the current recovery-e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-gts4l to update to /e/OS-T V2.1 via adb sideload The update process was completed without any data loss.

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 5
Device Code Name : FP5
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t-stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-t-stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

I can enable now the 50 Mpixel setting in Camera, the images are getting larger (more pixels, more megabytes) but don’t seem to contain more details than with 12.5 Mpixel. Is that expected?

At first usage, I first loaded an eSIM and then inserted a SIM card. Although the eSIM is set as default for SMS, the (default) SMS app sends messages under the number of the SIM card. To adjust the behaviour, I have to switch the SIM in the messaging app. (Also the eSIM has index number 2, whereas I would like it to have number 1.) I have to do the SIM switching for every single contact. That is annoying and makes setting the default SMS SIM pointless. This behaviour possibly already existed with 2.0, but I didn’t realize it by then.

Have you ever tried HedgeCam 2 Advanced Camera?

HedgeCam 2 is a fork of Open Camera (e-camera) with extended functions, installable via the /e/ App Lounge.

Motorola One vision / kane here. No Wifi-Issue after 2.1 (from 1.20). Fixed with:

adb root
adb shell
cd /data/vendor/wifi
restorecon -RFv /data/vendor/wifi

Have you ever tried HedgeCam 2 Advanced Camera?

I did just now. The result is the same: It seems that 12.5 Mpixel is equal (or even slightly better) than 50 Mpixel.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 4
Device CodeName: FP4
Version of /e/OS: 2.1-t-stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: not rooted

So i updated to the new stable version and since then my internet connection shuts off around 10-30min into using the phone. VPN, WIFI, all connected and running(so no visable errors) but still no connectivity. Have to restart phone every time as only temporarily fix…

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 5
Device Code Name : FP5
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t-stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-t-stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : rooted

Working perfectly. The random reboots seem to have stopped, and the camera app now shows a 50 megapixel option. My vpn and banking apps are just as functional and appear unaffected by the update.

Well done everyone!

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The 2.1 Update Wifi on my Moto G5s (“Montana”)

@Macstodon Do the 50Mpixel images show more detail than the 12.5 Mpixel ones?

Hi fairphono.
Try turning on and off flight mode to not have to reboot each time. That works for me at least.


I took 2 photos of the same bag of flour, one at 50MP, one at 12.5, then zoomed in the maximum the gallery app would allow.

As you can see, I can zoom further in on one than the other, and the size of the photo taken is larger. Hard to say whether there’s ‘more detail’, but it is certainly bigger.

Update to 2.1 was not offered on my Xiaomi Mi MIX 2, running 1.21 (yeah, I know…):

However, I could call it done within minutes using curl -O in adb shell, then Updater’s Local Update feature :smiley_cat:

So far, so good!

Some news…

At the worst peak, I was wasting 7% of battery per hour, without doing anything. At night it lost 28% of battery during 7h but the trend changed : although “OS Android” was consumer of 33% of battery (from 60 to 32% in 7h) and WAKELOCKS consumer of 8%, it stopped. During a day and a half, it went back to normal consumption, “OS Android” and “WAKELOCKS” not visible. And now, 6h ago, without doing something special, “OS Android” and “WAKELOCKS” are back… consuming a bit less than before though… but draining battery again.

I’ve read many things… is that Android 12 trying to understand my habits ?
Some says a Dalvik cache cleaning should be done but the Recovery of /e/ OS does not allow that - I did not want to mess up with my installation and install TWRP…
Some says cache cleaning was necessary at old times of Android and not anymore…

I’ll just wait again…

‘Yeah I know’ as an ‘I didn’t update along time’?

They moved from 1.21 to 2.0 :wink:

You should take into account that:

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