Feedback for v2.1

Hi fairphono.
Try turning on and off flight mode to not have to reboot each time. That works for me at least.


I took 2 photos of the same bag of flour, one at 50MP, one at 12.5, then zoomed in the maximum the gallery app would allow.

As you can see, I can zoom further in on one than the other, and the size of the photo taken is larger. Hard to say whether there’s ‘more detail’, but it is certainly bigger.

Update to 2.1 was not offered on my Xiaomi Mi MIX 2, running 1.21 (yeah, I know…):

However, I could call it done within minutes using curl -O in adb shell, then Updater’s Local Update feature :smiley_cat:

So far, so good!

Some news…

At the worst peak, I was wasting 7% of battery per hour, without doing anything. At night it lost 28% of battery during 7h but the trend changed : although “OS Android” was consumer of 33% of battery (from 60 to 32% in 7h) and WAKELOCKS consumer of 8%, it stopped. During a day and a half, it went back to normal consumption, “OS Android” and “WAKELOCKS” not visible. And now, 6h ago, without doing something special, “OS Android” and “WAKELOCKS” are back… consuming a bit less than before though… but draining battery again.

I’ve read many things… is that Android 12 trying to understand my habits ?
Some says a Dalvik cache cleaning should be done but the Recovery of /e/ OS does not allow that - I did not want to mess up with my installation and install TWRP…
Some says cache cleaning was necessary at old times of Android and not anymore…

I’ll just wait again…

‘Yeah I know’ as an ‘I didn’t update along time’?

They moved from 1.21 to 2.0 :wink:

You should take into account that:

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@Macstodon Hmm, hard to say whether there are more details visible…

I found it helpful to print out (Link to PDF at the bottom of the page) and compare up to what level black and white lines are discernible.

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8 pro
Actual e\OS 1.21 r
Update e\OS 2.1

I tried two times, it didn’t worked it stock in the page say Start it reboot and comeback at the same page before the update was automatic. I found the way to turn on the phone and I have to download the update again.

hi @winkman,

Thanks for your reply, sadly this doesnt work for me…
It would also undermine the privacy aspect of staying in airplane mode to not connect to celltowers to find out your location.

But i dont get how an OS update is rolled out while these level of bugs are still in them(software engineer here).
I literally have been resetting my phone every 15min the last days…

@Manoj can you please look into this critical issue?

Thanks in advance

Phone: Fairphone 5 (from the e/OS Store)

Issue 1
Callers get tagged as “Unknown”, even contacts I have saved. I have turned the “Block calls from unidentified callers” off. Turning the feature on and off does not help. This started the day I updated to 2.1.

Issue 2
Trying to remove a number from the blocked numbers list in the e/OS SMS app results in me being taken back to the overview of the numbers, then if I try again, the app crashes. Removing numbers from the phone app/call app functions (why do they have separate block lists?).


Galaxy S7
/e/OS 2.1
Not rooted

Account manager sync often ends up producing a file.
I can’t send it to gitlab since there is personal stuff in it.
Is there a mean to anonymize it ?
Other than that, no extra problem but still the annoying echo in call when speaker is on.

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:x: e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-gta4l
:x: e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-gta4l
:x: e-1.21-t-20240324389105dev-gta4l

:bangbang:The solution N°2 to the problem

:white_check_mark: lineage-21.0-20240616-nightly-gta4l-signed
:white_check_mark: lineage-21.0-20240607-microG-gta4l
:white_check_mark: iode-5.1-20240614-gta4l by @ronnz98

:x: Do not work (!)
:white_check_mark: works fine (!!)


Device Name : Fairphone 5
Device Code Name : FP5
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-t-stable
Device is not rooted

Update to 2.1-t-20240603406607-stable-FP5 with no problems.
Everything I’m using is working on the phone.

On my Laptop (connected over USB-Tethering) there is now a 5-7seconds lag for the Internet-connection since 2.1. My Laptop Setup has not changed.
Anyone else see this?

The firmware is T500XXS7CXB1. (BIT 7)

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: /e/OS 2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-FP3
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

No issue with updating, now on 2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-FP3.

The following things work for me:

  • Call / be called
  • Send SMS / receive SMS
  • Notification LED
  • Alarm
  • Internet via Wi-Fi
  • Internet via mobile network
  • Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Location
    • Settings - System - microG - Self-Check: all ok, including location permissions
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Request from Mozilla: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Request from Hotspot: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Wi-Fi location - Remember from GPS: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Mobile network location - Request from Mozilla: enabled
    • Settings - System - microG - Location - Mobile network location - Remember from GPS: enabled
    • Settings - Advanced Privacy - Geolocation: Exposed
    • Settings - Advanced Privacy - Geolocation - Use my real location
    • Settings - Location - Use assisted GPS: enabled
    • Settings - Location - Location Services - Wi-Fi scanning: enabled
    • Settings - Location - Location Services - Bluetooth scanning: disabled
    • Settings - Location - App location permissions - “Allowed only while in use”: Apps are listed
  • Compass
  • Screenshot
  • Main camera (original FP3 Camera module, not +) photo + video
  • Selfie camera (original FP3 Top module, not +) photo + video
  • USB connection to PC / MTP
  • MyPhoneExplorer 2.1
  • Bluetooth (music playback, data connection)

Vendor Name: Google
Device name: Pixel 4a5g
Device CodeName: bramble
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.0t
Is the device Rooted: Not rooted

All is well :grinning:

Thanks a lot !

Exactly, I’ve noticed that this consumption is systematically high. Attached are a few screenshots taken over the days.

I’ve gone from a battery life of 2 days or more, to just 1 day, 1 day and a half max.

Any ideas ?

I haven’t dare try this update on my FP5 yet after reading some of these messages… do we know if the devs have a revision of this update incoming based on current feedback?

Fairphone 3+
Update from v2.0-t-stable to v2.1-t-stable
Not rooted

Update straightforward and completed within 40 minutes.

Initial testing of basic functions & apps shows these appearing to be working fine: wi-fi, mobile data, bluetooth, GPS, phone, message, mail, browser, camera, app lounge and various other apps.

All looking very good so far, thanks again for all the good work.


  • Vendor name: Fairphone
  • Device name FP5
  • Device Code name: FP5
  • Version of /e/OS: /e/OS 2.1-t
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: no root
  • Under Settings → Display → Dark design → Pure black does not work.

  • Then the power consumption of the displqy seems to be very high. More than under the stock software.

  • the adjustment of the display brightness is always too high, even in the apartment it is always at 51% and that is way too high, the manual adjustment does not help either because it is always adjusted again immediately.
    If you set the brightness from auto to manual and then back to auto, the sensor recognizes the correct brightness and adjusts the display accordingly, but after a short time it returns to 51% brightness.

  • standby energy consumption is far too high. Under stock I only needed to charge my FP5 for 2-3 days, now I’m only at 18 hours, even though Google and everything else is gone.

These are the 4 problems I have noticed.

I went straight from stock to /e/OS 2.1. Bootloader is also locked.

