"force kill the application" button missing

Hi e/OS

It’s well known option from my older phones (LineageOS 14.1 for example) where in developer options I could enable killing the app with ‘back’ button long press.

I’m missing it on e/OS 1.14 (samsung S10).

Did I overlook something?


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No, you did not overlook anything.
LineageOS 14.1 is Nougat / Android 7. That’s a long time ago and features have come and gone (mostly gone) in later versions.
It’s still there on my /e/OS Q (Android 10) but not available on any of my R (Android 11) Lineage-based setups. /e/OS, crDroid, and LeOS-R.

Yeah, but why? In my naive imagination there’s still something like progress or further development or maturity or perfection or [is there a substantive for sophisticated?] which leads then to a cumulative result of better and better. - In reality the opposite seems to be the case, many things get more and more idiotic (look at Windows 11). But why?

Only the powers-that-be can answer that question.

It annoys me to no end when useful things disappear or things don’t work as they used to (I"m looking at you Android 12 :grin: ).
One of the reasons why I’m always rooted or just run something older. My daily driver runs a feature-packed Pie / Android 9 ROM.

Briefly tried Wimdows 11 as it came with a mini-PC. It got wiped in short order. :grin:

yes, indeed, the same thing with simple protection for my bank token app, implemented as protected apps in lineageos 14.1 - it was great enough for daily use.

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