FP 3+ Boot loop "Memory is getting low"

Hello everyone,
maybe someone can help me out.

Since this morning, my FP3+ running the latest eOS is stuck in a kind of boot loop.
I get as far as the lock screen where a message informs me that memory is getting low “Der Speicherplatz wird knapp”. When I unlock it, I am informed that Bluetooth keeps crashing, and Bliss launcher keeps crashing. Then, the phone is restarted immediately, bringing me to the Recovery page where I can either try again or delete all my data.

The memory warning could very well have a reason, I recorded quite a number of videos lately, but I didn’t expect them to lock me out completely.
When I plug in the USB cable, I can get as far as the “just load / data transfer” page, but only for a split second before it restarts.

USB debugging is activated.

Is there any way to access the data on the phone so I can delete some files to hopefully enable it to start again?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

I managed to solve this with Android Debug Bridge (USB debugging was already enabled, luckily). Imanaged to uninstall an app that way, freeing enough space so the system resumed working.

For reference: In my case, the following steps helped:

  1. Download ADB from here: https://developer.android.com/tools/adb
  2. Unpack the zip file to the Desktop (anywhere works, this is just for the example)
  3. Open Terminal (on Mac. I am sure the process will work similar under other OSes)
  4. Enter cd /Users/user/Desktop/platform-tools/ (exchange “user” with your username)
  5. Enter ./adb shell pm list packages. You will get a probably surprising long list of packages. Look for an app you know takes up a lot of disk space. Maps apps are a good bet – due to the map data, they usually need a lot of space, and can easily be re-setup if needed.
  6. Enter ./adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 net.osmand.plus (replace “net.osmand.plus” with the app you want to uninstall (the rest of the line after package:).
  7. Try to reboot. For me it worked after the first try, you might need to uninstall additional apps.

Once you have regained access to the system, it might be prudent to head to Settings → Storage and free some more space.


good you found a solution. This happens often with the FP3 when approaching space limits. I think it is due to dalvik caches residing with the userdata partition. If it’d be its own partition, user behaviour wouldn’t be able to influence this. It really is a conceptual issue.

I’ll link this to How to mount encrypted /data partition in recovery mode? - #24 by 2t8 that groups those threads

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