I flashed my FP2 with /e/. Now it boots since more than 1h. I only see the e with the jumping dot.
How long will it take ?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
I flashed my FP2 with /e/. Now it boots since more than 1h. I only see the e with the jumping dot.
How long will it take ?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
Seems that didn’t work.
Try again, I would say. Watch out for any error messages along the way.
I stopped waiting ! Switch off was not possible. I interrupted the power supply. Flashed successfully again. And now it works !!! Booting in 30s !
Even though you pressed the power button for about 15s?
I have pressed the power button for more than a minute, without any reaction. It has really hang up.
The first flashing took with 10 minutes an abnormal long time. Second flashing was done in 1 or 2 minutes. Maybe I forgot something to mark while wiping before I started the first flash.
Should make no difference. Pressing the power button for about 15 seconds forces a reboot, pressing a Volume key along with it only decides what gets booted after the reboot.
Have you thinked to unplug the cable before your power-off attempt ?
yes, cable was unplugged !