FP3: Latest Update 2020093076095 makes phone going to blackscreen / freeze

This is similar to what I had. I set the slot to ‘a’ and rebooted, the phone then bootlooped and told me to try again or to factory reset.

I set it back to ‘b’ and I’ll wait for the update that’s coming soon.

Wonder why the slot system didn’t work

I reverted back to stock a few days ago, as said. (Android 10 - latest FP Update). What I can say so far, that I did not have a single crash. Phone is working.

battery-usage is very high compared to /e/.

I am now wondering what caused the issues, cause I never had any problems with /e/ till the 2020093076095.

Why the switch to the version before also made issues after factory reset is some kind of strange to me?

At the moment I am unsatisfied with the stock-rom and would like to go backt to /e/, but will it be stable?

I feel its really strange that you had these issues. I had the FP3 with Android 10 on it previously and switched to eOS 0.11. I even updated to the apparantly “dangerous” 0.12 over the air. I did not have a single problem or error so far. Only minor things like the MagicEarth app crashed three times and every other time my BT Headphone do not connect on the first try.