FP3 shows no OTA update since v1.13

Hi :wave:t2:

A friend of mine has been running /e/OS on his Fairphone 3 for almost two years. Yesterday he told me that he could no longer install or update certain apps (e.g. app IDs de.materna.bbk.mobile.app, org.thoughtcrime.securesms, or com.deutschebahn.bahnbonus).

So I asked him which version of /e/OS runs on his FP3 and it kinda shocked me: 1.13-s-20230724313396-stable-FP3. The phone states that there are no updates available.

Did the FP3 really receive not a single update in 1.5 years :scream:??? I cannot believe this, because the official docs state that the official FP3 build currently targets T, i.e. Android 13.

Do you have any idea what might be wrong with his device? And in case there is a newer version for the FP3, how can he install it when the updater states that there are no updates available?

Thx a lot for your input and help :upside_down_face:

of course,

use this file :
(not the IMG-e-2.7-t-20250111460957-official-FP3.zip),
to adapt this procedure :


Thx @piero for your quick reply :muscle:t2: I will “delegate” it to my friend :grin: and report back

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Thank you again, @piero - with your help, it worked like a charm and my mate has been able to upgrade his FP3 :muscle:t2:

Please note that he had to use option 4 regarding the update procedure. Option 1, for example, did not work as he doesn’t seem to have the settings entry local update :man_shrugging:t2:

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