FP3 - Version 1.5-202210312300909

OK, it ended how it started, with … “Now send the package you want to apply to the device …”
So the only thing I could do was restarting the phone.
After restarting it stuck at the “e” logo for a long time.
But than it ran in version “2.4.1-t-20241008439851-official-FP3”

Now I wanted to update with the update app, because there should be a version “e-2.6.3-t-20241217455358-official-FP3.zip” but the updater tells me, that I m already running the latest version?

Do I have to update via adb again? Is this a completely different branch, but both are official?

Clean the updater app cache and/or insist with the search for update button…it often need 7 attempts. .

Hi piero again! Thank you - now it has worked and I don t know why, but I m up to date. Thank you!

Hi folks :slight_smile:

I have a murena FP3+ with /e/os 1.18-s-20231207360311-stable-FP3 which is also stuck at that version.

I tried sideloading all three currently available archives, but that fails with:

Finding update package...
Verifying update package...
E:footer is wrong
Update package verification took 0.1s (result 1)
E:Signature verification failed
E:error: 21
Installing update...
E: Failed to find update binary META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary

Does anybody know what to do? I would like do avoid wiping :sob:

If with available you mean https://images.ecloud.global/official/FP3/, the files there are not for sideloading and the error message you get would be correct.
These files are for installing with fastboot, a link to the corresponding instructions can be found on the page.

Files for use with ADB sideload need to be in the “OTA” format, they are available here … https://ota.ecloud.global/api/v1/FP3/official/ (see the “url:” lines for links).
Using this route is not officially endorsed on FP3, even if users report it as working here and there, just saying. Be prepared with a backup nonetheless.


Sideloading to 2.4.1 worked for me once I used the correct file :sweat_smile:
Thank you for your help!

Kaum macht man es richtig, schon funktioniert’s :wink:


e-2.5-t and e-2.6.3-t
have been published yet, are they proposed by the installer ?
(you may need to click 8 times on the search button in the → android settings → system updater

Hattest du während des Installationsvorganges eine Fehlermeldung bekommen?
Bei mir popte plötzlich etwas auf - kann mich nun nicht mehr erinnern was es war - und ich befürchtete schon, ich habe alles geschrottet. Das Telefon startete danach allerdings problemlos und ich scheine bisweilen auch keine Probleme zu haben.
Falls es bei dir auch so war - hatte die Fehlermeldung irgendwelche Auswirkungen?
Liebe Grüße, AT

I had no error messages during Installation. I had some crashing/unresponsive apps, but that might be due to that I immediately started installing the next OTA update, so they might have been in a transitive state.
I have not noticed any problems, rather the lack of some, and am now happily using the phone and installing ota updates again.

Thanks for your reply!