I m using a Fairphone 3 and my OS Version is 1.5-202210312300909.
As you see this is a two year old version and since I have installed this (via systemupdate) in the systemupdates I haven t got a newer version. As I have seen, this isn t the latest one?
So my question: How is it possible to update?
This would correspond to the /e/OS 1.5-q-20221031230909-dev-FP3 OTA update, so (if confirmed) Android 10 and dev, so no OTA upgrade to a newer Android version because of dev, so either the inofficial way via recovery (fingers crossed) or a new install it is … Install /e/OS on a Fairphone FP3/3+ - “FP3”
Be safe with a backup of all your important stuff.
TWRP on the Fairphone 3 requires an unlocked bootloader to boot, or rooting and some considerable additional Magisk wizardry.
Thanks a lot to all of you for your help!
Yes it should be this version - looking into my settings: 1.5-q-20221031230909-dev-FP3
I m an absolute noob - so when I understand it correctly there is no update to this one and I have to install e completely new.
So two more questions:
Which version should I take to get instant updates?
Is there a program you can recommend that helps me getting my phonenumbers, pictures from the phone?
and thank you again!
This sounds to me to be the easiest way, but couldn t find it on my phone. Think so I don t have it - but where do I have to look for it?
Thank you very much! It worked (version 1.5).
Now I can choose between:
Reboot system now
Apply updates
Factory reset
After pressing Apply udate (Think this is the one to get an update) - I can select Apply from ADB only. Than there is something with “ADB Sideload” it does nothing and I can click cancel only.
So it doesn t work for me, or do I have to do something else before?
While it does not help you, I can just confirm that I never had the “from internal storage” nor the “from sdcard1” option from piero’s second screenshot in my /e/ recovery either.
Tried the recovery guid, but stuck somewhere at point 4 (have no idea what the difference btwn. TWRP and recovery-e is and couldn t find a file that sounded it would be the “recovery update”
Do I have to download the whole eOS for that recovery thing?
Tried to reinstall e OS via Easy Installer, but it seems the filelocation “https://images.ecloud.global/stable/FP3/IMG-e-latest-t-FP3.zip.sha256sum” doesn t exist - downloading error. (Had the same issue when I tried to get that file via download by hand - couldn t find or get to the file).
as @AnotherElk said, using TWRP is complicate on this device, so choose the recovery-e procedure
as @urs_lesse said, there is no device storage method possible on your device, go direct from step (1) “install adb”, to step (8) “using the recovery-e”
Thank you again - think now I m having it.
Thought the link wasn t part of the unreachable murena.io services - so I have to wait until it works again.
Yours, ATr
Haven t tried it because I was too scared of destroying something. But today I tried it, because the phone is now lagging when using the browser …
But directly got a problem:
Think everything worked —> “Apply from ADB” → “Step 1/2” finished,
but I think I got stuck in “Step 2/2” → since about an hour I m having this message on my screen and nothing moves on …