FP4 stuck on 2.1beta-s. No update offered in updater

Hi! I’m running a Fairphone 4 with 2.1-beta-s.
Unfortunately I get no updates offered by the updater. I’m stuck on 2.1-beta-s. The phone should be offered an update to 2.1-t. Is there a way to update to t-build without losing my data?
I’ve posted a bug here: fp4 update to t issue

(adb sideload didn’t work - same problem as here)

Thank you for helping.


Im not for sure, but maybe you should check and see if you have to revert to a full release in order to update. I was thinking i read that somewhere once.

unfortunately I believe this is correct. Maybe waiting for 2.2 could work too though.

Are you aware @Ray-Ven that we are constrained from answering you due to

I suggest you avoid switching back and forth to Testing in Developer options at this stage but take advantage of the help you are getting from the testing team in your Gitlab issue #8113 and perhaps join the testing team.

Btw sideload won’t work with the “normal” /e/OS fp4 ROMs with a prefix “IMG”, these are installed like this.

oh, wasn’t aware of that, sorry and thank you for helping me anyway.
I hope the devs can help me out. I’ll post the solution here and will close this issue afterwards.

The issue could be resolved via adb sideload (recovery) with the OTA zip (no data was lost). Thank you for your help.