Galaxy Note 10+ 5G - no sim card installed

Hi everybody. I finally got e/OS installed but no matter what I do, it doesn’t detect the sim card. The card worked fine on the same phone with the stock Samsung version of Android. Is this device a paperweight now?

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Did you run the first start wizard with the SIM in the phone? You might try Factory reset with the SIM present, now the First start wizard will run again.

It is not documented but I speculate that some carriers get some help from Google helpers in order to register with the device, you might mention your carrier, someone may recognise a problem carrier. Be sure to run the wizard in an area of good reception for mobile data and active Wi-Fi.

I did run the e/OS first start wizard with the SIM in the device. The wizard said no SIM is inserted. I have tried doing factory resets (from the e/OS recovery program) of all 3 partitions (cache, system, and the other one [sorry I forgot what it’s called]).

I’m using Mint Mobile.

I’m connecting to WiFi in e/OS without problem but e/OS sees no SIM card and there are no cellular configuration options as a result.

Does this also mean that you see no “Emergency calls only” and zero indication that the the Carrier has any presence at all?

In which case I would check everything to do with physical insertion of the SIM. Start with what seems most unlikely, tray upside down, dirty tray runner, does the SIM tray appear 100% true and flush. (I am not sure if there is any way to safely clean the contacts within the device, you might look that up.)

I do see ‘emergency calls only’. I have tried to check the SIM card itself and i see no issues. I tested the SIM in another device and it’s activated and works great. Also, the SIM worked in the Note10+5G before with the stock Android/Samsung OS. It doesn’t appear to be a hardware issue.

In which case your carrier is going to be aware of the device.

Something to do with the registration has clearly failed. I recommend contacting the carrier and ask them if they would be prepared to set up the device by sending an “APN reset” to the device OTA.

It seems odd, I know, but the carrier seems to have denied service, maybe in some automated way, possibly connected with the observation I made earlier …

Edit I wonder if Messages app would manage to send to this “non standard” number, might be worth a try. Seen here

Once you’ve activated your plan and inserted your SIM card or installed your eSIM, text SETUP to 6700 to have the correct settings sent to your phone

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