Get Ready! /e/OS V2 is on its Way! Save the Date: May 16th!

I have two questions:

  1. In this article a new camera app is announced. Could you be more specific on
  • what to expect
  • whats the benefits compared to OpenCamera
  • ETA
  • source base or completely new app?
  1. There was an article/post where dropping Magic Earth has been mentioned (sorry, can’t find the article anymore) as it is not an open source app. Is this still something that is on your roadmap?

Thanks a lot for your great work.


Badly, more people click on the youtube’s link than peertube :disappointed_relieved:

And more followers in YouTube (804) than Peertube (32)

I hope, that Murena level up their security system on their cloud. Today, we can only use U2F with OTP to connect to Murena Cloud. We can’t use a physical USB for that (like Solokey, Nitrokey, & Co) for U2F, it’s only for passwordless :expressionless:

In m’y Murena’s phone U2F without OTP are perfectible: NFC dont work well.

Hopefully things like the murena cloud and telegram will not become more valid parts of e/os. Why use a central system like telegram when there is decentralised XMPP? In case you don’t know, check out Conversations app.
Using the nextcloud app and davx5 you can connect to almost every open cloud provider, so choose yours and don’t create a new centralized data pool! there are really no (new) murena apps needed. A stable and not crashing UI would be completely sufficient.


Something Olympic I bet.

Is the event /e/OS focused (I guess so from the banner) or will there also be Murena announcements?

From the article :

I don 't think it 's a new camera app…

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ah yes, you may be right!

Android Auto ? Ou bien une alternative…

I’d love to know more too, if the camera app gets good it might make me take the plunge… :slightly_smiling_face:


will v2 be available with dirty flash for v1 users or a clean flash would be mandatory/recommended ?

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It will just be like any other update and will arrive OTA.


In my humble opinion, the current camera is good. It is based on open camera, which is just great.

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I hope they are not getting rid of magic earth. I have grown to like it quite a bit.


It’s not /e/OS exclusive and/or done by /e/OS developers. In case they don’t preinstall Magic Earth any longer, just install it yourself and keep using it. :person_shrugging:

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I’m still learning this OS, but I’m glad that I’ve reached here on time.

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I would love to see widgets between the icons. So I don’t have a list of widgets and list of app icons. Is it going to happen or you decided to not implement that? Thanks

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I would like to have the option of having the trebuchet launcher present as I do prefer it over the bliss launcher as do may other /e/ users but it is just wishful thinking!

I was there for v1.0, I’m still there for v2.0! Thanks for all the work! I have one question though about v2.0 and the widget panel: will we finally be able to customize it and change the widgets order for example?


Think (wishfully) again …

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To improve security, would /e/OS developers consider including in the build process Automated Kernel CVE Patching, as is done by DivestOS?

automated patch checker along with an extensive database of fixes for over [4,000] Linux kernel security issues.

Thank you for your work and clear answer :slight_smile: