Google blocks Account Manager to access account


I recently installed /e on my device and when I try to sign in google, after entering credentials google says “This app is blocked” “This app tried to access sensitive info in your google account to keep your account safe google blocked this access”. Application is /e os Account Manager.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

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Yes; I have the same issue;

While it’s obviously counter logic to use a De-Googlelized OS and try to add Google account on it
in eOS documentation it said that it will work.

Right Now Google Docs and Google Sheets works via microG

while Contact and GMail does’nt even by following these steps: Add a gmail account

it block after the second authentification and say: This app is blocked

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Same here. Killed my old phone last week. I had a google account set up. I installed /e/-os yesterday and tried to connect my google account… And Goolge “nope, app is blocked”… I just want to read my Gmail-Mails…

I started to use DAVx for contact and callender support and k9 mail for gmail. I think we will not be using /e apps for contacs and mail for a time.