Google Cloud Messaging FP2 and Wire

Hello All,
I have a question regarding the Google Cloud Messaging.
I use the FP2 and /e/ 0.1-201901252826. I installed Wire and get no notification about incoming messages. So, I have a look to the Google Cloud Messaging in microG.
Wire is not inside it. How can I put it into it?
Cheers - Mike

Wire wrote already in 2016, that by downloading the app from their site, you could use it without being urged to have GCM / FCM at all. You might try an apk downloaded direcly from Wire.

Hi moose
You are right. When I deactivate microG, Wire gives me notification about incoming messages. However, Wire do not work stable then. It often crashes and I have to reload the phone to see the new messages.

It works with 0.5-201902073130. Problem Solved